June 2011 is my third year in Internet Marketing!
3 years back, I was totally a newbie and know nothing about Internet Marketing. I started with a very simple reason – “Make Money Online” and I believe a lot of people started to explore more online because of this simple reason too. Many people including my brother told me lots of online advertisements are just scam, so never ever pay for anything online. I get their advice and just joined some free programs and of course including a famous Singapore online program – EmailCashPro.
Although I was very skeptical and so scared to be scammed, but my curiosity and keen to find out more is bigger than my fear. I started my first paid program and gained some “bad” experience. The hosting company didn’t pay my commission and tried to ignore my emails. Finally I managed to get my commission back after my last warning email to expose their unethical business ethic online. So my advice for you is, if you believe you have been scammed, be brave to claim back what you suppose to get. Don’t blame your bad luck!
My second program is a pay per lead program and it worked better. I learned some good concept about Affiliate Marketing but I lost money in this program after deducted the cost invested due to the lack of knowledge to promote online. I slowly found out that I need to have proper online marketing knowledge.
Blogging is one of the basic Internet Marketing technique and hence I also started my own blog. My first blog was really a “ugly” blog, that’s a free hosting blog using blogger.com. I have not kept a screenshot of the blog, otherwise I would share with you. But I can share with you my first blog post – Title: It’s Friday! Like many newbies, I didn’t know what to blog but I “force” myself to do it. I shared what I learned, my thought and slowly I build the habit of blogging. The blog you see now is after several revamped and change of the blog theme. So, every one of us started from somewhere and we all once a newbie. As long as you don’t give up, you will reach your destination.
Only after I attended a Internet Marketing course, I found my First Secret to success online. My First Secret to success online is to have Business Mindset. Make money online sounds simple, but to make a lot of money online is not easy. Those internet marketers who make tons of money online is because they have business mindset. They treat make money online a real serious business and work hard towards it.
Few of my websites and blogs were born after the Internet Marketing courses. Very little traffic, very little earning at the beginning especially the first few months. The learning curve is long for the Internet Marketing, but this is truly a Learn and Earn business. For my first few months, I hide inside my room to study about Internet Marketing almost everyday after my work. At the same time also put into practice what I have learnt. These are some of my hand written notes for the past 3 years, including Internet Marketing and Network Marketing.
The journey of Internet Marketing business is not that smooth initially. At the beginning, I didn’t know what I want to do, I didn’t know what is my niche market, a lot of things are question marks to me. Maybe this sound familiar to you too if you also in Internet Marketing. I spent some times to finally decide what I want to do and that’s not going to be easy because I’ve chosen a competitive market. After few months of hard work, I finally see my sites rank well and also see the affiliate income coming in.
I started to have more confident and then created my own product. My very first product didn’t give me good results but I still like it very much until today because it is about Babymoon. Babymoon has very special meaning to me simply because I call my baby Babymoon and one day I stumble upon the defination of babymoon – a safe and relax last enjoyment quality couple time with your partner before the baby is due. This is why I have the very first product – Babymoon Travelling Information Guide. Later I also created a website to provide more information about babymoon travelling in Asia – Babymoon Asia.
I’ve then quit my full time job and work from home. Since that I have more time focusing in my Internet business but also at the same time I pregnant with my second baby girl. I knew I have to do something and work harder. I looked into other markets and found other niche markets. I started to see good income and also get inquiries from others who interested to earn online too especially mothers. I then have my Mompreneur Asia website and own online learning program – Mompreneur Hub. Sooner after I gave birth to my little baby girl, I created my product – WAHM Home Business Kit.
Internet marketing is fun but it is quite tiring when I need to find new products, create new campaigns and do the traffic driving in consistent basis without any outsourcing. Internet marketing is also very wide topics and there are always new things come out very fast, sometimes I need to do testing etc which is really time consuming. I face lots of challenges too including website get hacked, server down, how to build effective capture page, get good quality traffic etc. The most headache is the technical issue which give me many sleepless nights. I’m not IT savvy and I’m not technical person, what I can do is get friends help or solve it myself step by step. But, I still like Internet Marketing a lot and gain good experience by solving those problems myself.
I always know there is a income called passive income but most of the programs or products I’m in is not about real passive income. I started my Network Marketing journey in January 2010 where one of my online friend invited me to a home business presentation. I saw the opportunity for me to earn passive income and with my internet marketing background, I enrolled more than 20 members to the team just within 2 months time. But very soon I found that the company I was in was not working for me because that company is not a social media and internet friendly company. I have restriction to do it online and guide my team members to do the same. Finally I’ve made the decision to quit. I don’t have any regret joined the company because I’ve gained new experience and knowledge about network marketing which later is a good stepping stone for me to start my new network marketing business.
In May 2010, I joined Vemma. I’ve share why and how I joined Vemma company in my previous blog post – My Experience with Vemma. Prior in Vemma business, I always thought that I can only attract mothers to join me. All of the members I enrolled in my first company are mothers and I really have no confident I can enroll new members to Vemma fast and through general market. Surprisingly, through the power of internet, I personally sponsored 26 members to the team within my first 3 months and most are them are guys. Believe me, I have really used up all my own leads in my first company. I have to start from scratch again for leads generation. With the power of the vemmabuilder system, I gain lots of confident in Vemma business. My Second Secret to success online is believing in the power of the System.
Now, my new challenge in Network Marketing!
Honestly when I first started network marketing in January 2010, I purely used the internet marketing way to get good results. During that time I strongly believe that I can do network marketing online. I started to do lots of researches online and finally I found Internet Network Marketing. The real challenge is just started after I joined Vemma. Network marketing is different from internet marketing industry and I had some hard time to switch my mentality from internet marketing to network marketing. I feel lucky I’m not alone in Vemma because I have a good and supportive upline, Ket who always be there for me. For my first few months (if not wrong is 4 months time) in Vemma, I talked to my upline almost every night from 12am to 2am through skype. The reason is simply because he is far away in UK, skype is the only way to communicate when he is available. :)
The more I understand about network marketing, the more challenges I face. I started to read books about different topics related to network marketing. I have read tons of ebooks about internet marketing but now I need to learn from scratch about network marketing and read again. Below are some books I have bought myself and many books I read are borrowed from friends.
I would say I like network marketing industry and I like Vemma. The satisfaction and happiness it gives me is more than just money. When members share with me how the products help them, I feel real good. When team members enroll new members, I feel happy for them. I meet lots of good people in this industry and I learn lot of good things through this industry. Network marketing industry makes me a better person from many aspects. I have bigger dream now and I will become who I want to be one day!
Let me share with you the very important knowledge I’ve gained from Randy Gage – How To Build a Multi-Level Marketing Machine. There are lots of good points which I have taken the notes for easy reference. Here I just share with you 3. I encourage you to read the book yourself to find out more.
- The reason that most people fail in networking is that they fail to identify and work with leaders.
- The longer you’re in the business, the easier it becomes.
- Success doesn’t come from changing the people in your organization, changing your sponsorship line or changing your company. Success comes from changing you.
I’ve set my goal and target for my next 1 year. It’s going to be challenging, something new for me to learn about and experiencing. But I know I’m not alone in the journey. I will continue to share with you and I would be happy to have you working together as a team to achieve our own dreams.
My Third Secret to success online is changing myself and working together as a team.
During my past 3 years, I do have lots of good mentors, friends, business partners, team members give me good advice, helping and supporting me in some ways. I would like to express my appreciation to all of you. Thank you very much! :)