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I love Facebook! Facebook is such a wonderful platform for us to network and meet up with wonderful new friends if you know how to leverage it wisely. I get to know Ken Chee & Adam Wong via Facebook quite long time ago but we just stay at Facebook friends. Sometimes just let Facebook to update me their latest news and activities. Maybe when you browse through your Facebook friends list, they are your friends too. :)
Few days ago Adam connected with me and shared with me about their coming event Brand Mastery Expo. Since Adam and Ken are the speakers for the event, I take the chance to meet up with them and get to know them more. Like what I’ve heard from some friends, both of them are really nice and humble guys. They share with me about themselves, their events and not mention some successful tips. In case you don’t know much about Ken Chee and Adam Wong, below are some of their information or you can read more from their event page – Brand Mastery Expo.
Ken Chee started his very first business, a branding and marketing agency, with only $9 in 2002. In 18 months, he generated over $1.4 million in revenue and now counts key brands such as Panasonic, Lexus, Toyota, Hugo BOSS, DBS Bank, Singapore Pools, Seraya Energy and ST Electronics among his clientele.
In recognition of his entrepreneurial efforts, Ken was the recipient of the Spirit of Enterprise Award in 2005. Out of over 140,000 small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Singapore, only the top 40 SMEs are awarded this prestigious honor annually.
In 2008, Ken did it again — he started another company with NO money down and turned it into $3.5 million in just 20 months. Once may be a fluke, but twice is no joke. If you’re looking for someone who knows how to create something out of nothing and grow into a million dollars or more, then you have to touch shoulders with this master entrepreneur.
Adam Wong is an off-the-cuff, shoot-from-the-hip marketing expert and online web entrepreneur. His first foray online started mid-2006 and, to date, Adam has launched more than 15 products on the Internet. His very first online product launch made US$10,011 in just seven days and, since then, Adam has generated multiple six-figure sales on the Internet. And he did all this without any prior experience or expertise on the Internet. Heck, he didn’t even have anything to sell online when he first started out!
A Spirit of Enterprise nominee, Adam is also the bestselling author of the Internet marketing book — Lucky Bastard!, which hit the Sunday Times’ Top 10 Bestsellers List. In July 2010, he was featured on US national television on The Balancing Act, as a guest author and web marketing expert. The Balancing Act is a US lifestyle morning show and it attracts a nationwide audience of over two million people daily.
Learn From Successful People
Is The Fastest Way To Success
Thanks Ken Chee for sharing his book with me! According to him, this book is not available at bookstore anymore. And guess what, the content is wonderful and powerful! By just scanning through the Table of Contents I already get attracted.
For example,
Chapter 5 – Knowing why they buy what they buy
Chapter 7 – Seven differentiation strategies that will dominate your niche
Chapter 9 – Knowing my first million-dollar formula
Chapter 10 – Three steps & 22 marketing tools and strategies
Chapter 13 – 19 tips for writing powerful marketing material that generate instant results
Chapter 14 – The 7 mistakes you’re making on the internet that are losing money for your business every single day
I’m going to attend Brand Mastery Expo and get connected with more successful entrepreneurs. Do join us!
This is my first time attending Elite Networkers Conference (ENC) in Singapore. Before attended the event, I know I could definitely learn something from the 2 days event, but I never imagine the information I get from the event is so powerful and the speakers of that days are so “heavy weight”. They are really the veteran in the Network Marketing industry.
I actually reached the venue quite early the first day of the event, and I “think” I saw Todd Falcone. I must tell you that I don’t have idea who are the speakers for the 2 days event. After confirmed with Jeremy, one of the event organizer, HE IS TODD FALCONE! Wow.. If you are not in network marketing industry, for your info, he is one of the power speaker in No Excuses Summit II in Las Vegas this year and he has more than 20 years experience in this industry. And yes, he is one of my favourite mentor who always gives lots of value to the others.
That’s me and Todd Falcone :)
The second day when I see Todd again, I quickly grab the chance to do a short video interview with him. That’s his tips of success in network marketing industry.
Now, let me share with you some of our programs during the 2 days events:
A) Josephine Gross (The Co-founder of Networking Times) – The Rising Economic Power of Women
Josephine has a great sharing on the very first day first session and the information about Why Network Marketing is booming in Asia is rather encouraging especially she mentioned that this is a business that empower women.
Let’s listen to Josephine message and sharing.
B) Benjamin B.C.Tan – Leadership Ethical Initiatives In The Marketplace
Benjamin shares with us about Corporate Leadership, Leadership Responsibility, The Code and Direct Sellers & Consumers. He said that, Multi-Level Marketing (Excluded Schemes and Arrangements) Order 2001 Amendments made and take effect on 1st January 2002. It literally opens the door for all legitimate MLM companies to operate in Singapore with confidence.
The Singapore Direct Selling Industry offers flexi-time, work life balance, to those who needs supplement household income. 2002 – 255,000 salespeople 2010 – 446,841 salespeople
This is really a good piece of information for us in Singapore.
C) “Big Al” Tom Schreiter – Creating A Vision With Prospect & Distributors
One very important message from Tom is “People don’t make decision based on information!”
This is really true where we always see networkers pitching their products or business opportunity just based on the information. And after giving the information, people ask “So what?” Therefore, don’t just give information, but give VISION.
D) Special Guest Hob Khadka from Nepal sharing about his journey in Network Marketing
Hob Khadka shares with us that the event organized by Metica has changed his life and he is now a very successful businessman.
E) Joel Putland – Situational Leadership
Leadership is always a topic that I wanted to learn more. The Situational Leadership by Joel Putland is really a insightful session for me. So, what is Situational Leadership? That’s “Different Strokes for Different Folks”.
Situational Formula = 3 skills
Diagnose the needs of your people
Learn to use a variety of leadership style flexibly
Learn how to come to agreements with them about what kind of leadership style they need from you
F) Dr Masa Cemazar – Networking Etiquette of True Professionals
Interested to find out the 3 biggest mistakes network marketers make? I bet you are if you are a networker like myself. :)
Mistake 1 – Focusing on your business rather than your prospect
Mistake 2 – Have a convincing rather than a sorting mindset
Mistake 3 – Closing a sale not educating
So, what are the ways to become a true professional?
1. Be consistent & think long term
2. Become a great teacher
3. Create great friendships
4. Have an “abundance mindset”
5. Be a great diagnostician
6. Give value in abundance
7. Continue to work on yourself
G) Donna Imson – The “W” Factor
I would say the story of Donna Imson is the most inspiring for me. Maybe I’m a mother too. She is a single mom of 3 and network marketing really changes her life and transform her to a great person. I particularly like her sharing of “W” factors which are:
Wonderful Wonder Women
Welcoming Weaknesses
Working With Each Other
And guess what, Donna said, The 21st Century is the Women Century! My 3 W is Wow! Wow! Wow! :D
H) Francis & Marisa Taye – Harmonizing Marriage With The Business
Lots of people are working alone in network marketing and how nice if working together with the spouse in the same business? However, there are really lots of challenges while working together. Francis and Marisa share with us how they work together and one word: TRUST
I) Onyx Coale – The More You Learn, The More You Earn
This is really the title I like most – The more you learn, the more you earn! From Onyx sharing, I notice that it is all about self development and we really have to improve ourselves from time to time. That not only makes us a greater person but during the learning process, we earn too!
J) Sheri Din – Responsibilities Of Our Profession
The wonderful 3 P shared by Sheri Din:
I strongly agree the 3 Points above and I love the quote shared by Sherin - “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.., but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain
K) Todd Falcone – Leading By Example
Leadership, how to become a good leader is really challenging. But Todd has put into very simple sentence and it immediately goes into my mind.
Leading by example is - Inspiration through Action!
The 9 core strategies for Effective Leadership in Network Marketing
Core Strategy #1 – Focus on ONE Thing
Core Strategy #2 – Set the pace
Core Strategy #3 – Let them see it
Core Strategy #4 – Do as you say
Core Strategy #5 – Sharpen your saw
Core Strategy #6 – Be accountable
Core Strategy #7 – Live by Golden Rule
Core Strategy #8 – Be willing to do whatever it takes
Core Strategy #9 – Document it before you duplicate it
Overall this is really a wonderful event and I appreciate the effort of Jeremy & Jeremy from Metica to organize such wonderful and awesome network marketing event for networkers. We really need such event to get more momentum and learn more knowledge from successful leaders. The most importantly, to reach out more about the professionalism of our industry.
3 years back, I was totally a newbie and know nothing about Internet Marketing. I started with a very simple reason – “Make Money Online” and I believe a lot of people started to explore more online because of this simple reason too. Many people including my brother told me lots of online advertisements are just scam, so never ever pay for anything online. I get their advice and just joined some free programs and of course including a famous Singapore online program – EmailCashPro.
Although I was very skeptical and so scared to be scammed, but my curiosity and keen to find out more is bigger than my fear. I started my first paid program and gained some “bad” experience. The hosting company didn’t pay my commission and tried to ignore my emails. Finally I managed to get my commission back after my last warning email to expose their unethical business ethic online. So my advice for you is, if you believe you have been scammed, be brave to claim back what you suppose to get. Don’t blame your bad luck!
My second program is a pay per lead program and it worked better. I learned some good concept about Affiliate Marketing but I lost money in this program after deducted the cost invested due to the lack of knowledge to promote online. I slowly found out that I need to have proper online marketing knowledge.
Blogging is one of the basic Internet Marketing technique and hence I also started my own blog. My first blog was really a “ugly” blog, that’s a free hosting blog using blogger.com. I have not kept a screenshot of the blog, otherwise I would share with you. But I can share with you my first blog post – Title: It’s Friday! Like many newbies, I didn’t know what to blog but I “force” myself to do it. I shared what I learned, my thought and slowly I build the habit of blogging. The blog you see now is after several revamped and change of the blog theme. So, every one of us started from somewhere and we all once a newbie. As long as you don’t give up, you will reach your destination.
Only after I attended a Internet Marketing course, I found my First Secret to success online. My First Secret to success online is to have Business Mindset.Make money online sounds simple, but to make a lot of money online is not easy. Those internet marketers who make tons of money online is because they have business mindset. They treat make money online a real serious business and work hard towards it.
Few of my websites and blogs were born after the Internet Marketing courses. Very little traffic, very little earning at the beginning especially the first few months. The learning curve is long for the Internet Marketing, but this is truly a Learn and Earn business. For my first few months, I hide inside my room to study about Internet Marketing almost everyday after my work. At the same time also put into practice what I have learnt. These are some of my hand written notes for the past 3 years, including Internet Marketing and Network Marketing.
The journey of Internet Marketing business is not that smooth initially. At the beginning, I didn’t know what I want to do, I didn’t know what is my niche market, a lot of things are question marks to me. Maybe this sound familiar to you too if you also in Internet Marketing. I spent some times to finally decide what I want to do and that’s not going to be easy because I’ve chosen a competitive market. After few months of hard work, I finally see my sites rank well and also see the affiliate income coming in.
I started to have more confident and then created my own product. My very first product didn’t give me good results but I still like it very much until today because it is about Babymoon. Babymoon has very special meaning to me simply because I call my baby Babymoon and one day I stumble upon the defination of babymoon – a safe and relax last enjoyment quality couple time with your partner before the baby is due. This is why I have the very first product – Babymoon Travelling Information Guide. Later I also created a website to provide more information about babymoon travelling in Asia – Babymoon Asia.
I’ve then quit my full time job and work from home. Since that I have more time focusing in my Internet business but also at the same time I pregnant with my second baby girl. I knew I have to do something and work harder. I looked into other markets and found other niche markets. I started to see good income and also get inquiries from others who interested to earn online too especially mothers. I then have my Mompreneur Asia website and own online learning program – Mompreneur Hub. Sooner after I gave birth to my little baby girl, I created my product – WAHM Home Business Kit.
Internet marketing is fun but it is quite tiring when I need to find new products, create new campaigns and do the traffic driving in consistent basis without any outsourcing. Internet marketing is also very wide topics and there are always new things come out very fast, sometimes I need to do testing etc which is really time consuming. I face lots of challenges too including website get hacked, server down, how to build effective capture page, get good quality traffic etc. The most headache is the technical issue which give me many sleepless nights. I’m not IT savvy and I’m not technical person, what I can do is get friends help or solve it myself step by step. But, I still like Internet Marketing a lot and gain good experience by solving those problems myself.
I always know there is a income called passive income but most of the programs or products I’m in is not about real passive income. I started my Network Marketing journey in January 2010 where one of my online friend invited me to a home business presentation. I saw the opportunity for me to earn passive income and with my internet marketing background, I enrolled more than 20 members to the team just within 2 months time. But very soon I found that the company I was in was not working for me because that company is not a social media and internet friendly company. I have restriction to do it online and guide my team members to do the same. Finally I’ve made the decision to quit. I don’t have any regret joined the company because I’ve gained new experience and knowledge about network marketing which later is a good stepping stone for me to start my new network marketing business.
In May 2010, I joined Vemma. I’ve share why and how I joined Vemma company in my previous blog post – My Experience with Vemma. Prior in Vemma business, I always thought that I can only attract mothers to join me. All of the members I enrolled in my first company are mothers and I really have no confident I can enroll new members to Vemma fast and through general market. Surprisingly, through the power of internet, I personally sponsored 26 members to the team within my first 3 months and most are them are guys. Believe me, I have really used up all my own leads in my first company. I have to start from scratch again for leads generation. With the power of the vemmabuilder system, I gain lots of confident in Vemma business. My Second Secret to success online is believing in the power of the System.
Now, my new challenge in Network Marketing!
Honestly when I first started network marketing in January 2010, I purely used the internet marketing way to get good results. During that time I strongly believe that I can do network marketing online. I started to do lots of researches online and finally I found Internet Network Marketing. The real challenge is just started after I joined Vemma. Network marketing is different from internet marketing industry and I had some hard time to switch my mentality from internet marketing to network marketing. I feel lucky I’m not alone in Vemma because I have a good and supportive upline, Ket who always be there for me. For my first few months (if not wrong is 4 months time) in Vemma, I talked to my upline almost every night from 12am to 2am through skype. The reason is simply because he is far away in UK, skype is the only way to communicate when he is available. :)
The more I understand about network marketing, the more challenges I face. I started to read books about different topics related to network marketing. I have read tons of ebooks about internet marketing but now I need to learn from scratch about network marketing and read again. Below are some books I have bought myself and many books I read are borrowed from friends.
I would say I like network marketing industry and I like Vemma. The satisfaction and happiness it gives me is more than just money. When members share with me how the products help them, I feel real good. When team members enroll new members, I feel happy for them. I meet lots of good people in this industry and I learn lot of good things through this industry. Network marketing industry makes me a better person from many aspects. I have bigger dream now and I will become who I want to be one day!
Let me share with you the very important knowledge I’ve gained from Randy Gage – How To Build a Multi-Level Marketing Machine. There are lots of good points which I have taken the notes for easy reference. Here I just share with you 3. I encourage you to read the book yourself to find out more.
The longer you’re in the business, the easier it becomes.
Success doesn’t come from changing the people in your organization, changing your sponsorship line or changing your company. Success comes from changing you.
I’ve set my goal and target for my next 1 year. It’s going to be challenging, something new for me to learn about and experiencing. But I know I’m not alone in the journey. I will continue to share with you and I would be happy to have you working together as a team to achieve our own dreams.
My Third Secret to success online is changing myself and working together as a team.
During my past 3 years, I do have lots of good mentors, friends, business partners, team members give me good advice, helping and supporting me in some ways. I would like to express my appreciation to all of you. Thank you very much! :)
It’s the end of Year 2010 and I must say I really feel time flies! I just checked back what I was doing last year December. Wow… that was a campaign by Paypal in facebook called Paypal Wishlist (This program ended at Dec 2009, so it’s not valid to earn now). That was a great application and I have earned U$100 (this is the maximum per person). I have introduced this opportunity to all of my friends. Unfortunately, not all believe they are real and even some believe, they don’t grab the chance to earn the max. Most of them just earned a few dollars. Until the campaign ended at Dec 2009 and they see the real money in their Paypal account in Jan 2010, they finally see to believe and regret not participate actively to earn the maximum.
From the Paypal Wishlist program, I get the summary below:
1) People don’t join the program because they don’t believe that is a real program that will pay
2) They don’t believe what I say
3) They joined but don’t earn much because they just try try and give up after few tries
4) They don’t have the strong will to earn the U$100, maybe just too little money?!
If we talk about the skills needed to earn, then I can share with you my sister who doesn’t have any skill but with a strong will to earn the U$100 finish her task and earn even faster than me before the due date. So, again, it’s about “There is a will, there is a way!” I’ve learnt a lot from this program and understand more how people think and what’s their attitude and response about referral / affiliate marketing. This is a great help to me especially when I explore and go into Internet Network Marketing in Jan 2010.
Early this year, I joined a Network Marketing company and I was thinking to use my Internet Marketing knowledge to do it online. Unfortunately the company does not support in terms of online marketing. I agree with the statement “everyone can success in network marketing opportunity”. But for me, I must find an opportunity that suit me, which allows me to work from home online and able to generate results by just using internet. The most important is, not only me alone can earn but the friends / team members can do the same too.
No matter how much I like their quality products, business is still business. We can join a lot of MLM companies and enjoy their quality products but when come to business, I still need to take into consideration many other aspects. From my experience in the first Network Marketing company I joined in Jan 2010, I become very cautious when choosing to join Network Marketing company again, because I’m not joining to enjoy their products or services but I’m joining for the business opportunity.
Not many people know I’ve actually joined a second Network Marketing company this year. What happened was right after few days I joined, the company changed their structure from multi-level payout to affiliate payout. Well, not too bad because I get the full refund. But, the main point is, I don’t see these as a failure in my Network Marketing journey. On the other hand, these are the priceless experience and from there I get to know some real leaders and mentors.
You probably know my primary business now is Vemma. You may read my experience with Vemma and why I finally choose to partner up with real leaders to work together in Vemma Online Business. Before I joined Vemma, these are the few questions I asked myself:
1) Is the company & product ok? They may not need to be the Top 1 company, but the Mission of the company and the quality of the products are important.
2) Does the company support business distributors to do online marketing? Can I really blog about their products, business opportunity and share with others using Social Media platform? This is really really important to me as I don’t like to do it using traditional ways like attend meeting, home party etc.
3) I want to join a team that have same belief and have good support online. From my past experience, team work is very important in Network Marketing business.
I finally joined Vemma when I experience the power of the Vemmabuilder system! If you are in Internet Marketing, I believe you understand how people earn while they sleep, spend time with family and kids etc. Yes, it is the SYSTEM that doing the work for them! So, Vemma actually fulfills my requirement and here I am in Vemma Online Business.
One great thing I want to share is, I’m very happy during my days working with awesome partners in Vemma. Other than get paid weekly, I gain a lot of knowledge and experience and also glad to see team members who are serious in the business growing in term of recruitment skills, internet marketing knowledge, self improvement and etc.
I have never forget my own Mission – to help more moms start their Online Home Business. This is the reason of the born of Mompreneur Asia and Mompreneur Asia Magazine. Work from home online is definitely possible if we don’t give up to look for the good opportunity and don’t give up when face any difficulties. There are lots of small or big stones in the path but we just need to pick it up and throw it away to continue the journey.
First Free Internet Marketing Training to Vemma Team Members
Second Free Internet Marketing Training to Vemma Team Members
Photos with awesome team members in KL Malaysia
My new Chinese website
My Vemma Online Business Blog
My Mompreneur Asia E-Magazine
My life – Shopping with my daughters anytime we like during weekday
Play with my baby at home
Most important is – Get paid every week!
The trend in Year 2011 is definitely Internet Network Marketing which is to do Network Marketing using Internet. Again, my advice to you if you want to join Network Marketing industry:
1) You must be very clear whether you want to do offline or online. If you want to do online, choose an opportunity that allows you to do so.
2) Network Marketing business opportunity is not Investment program. You cannot expect to earn the income you want by just joining the opportunity, sit back and relax.
3) Don’t join the “Try Try group”. Otherwise your results will be like the Paypal Wishlist, only earn the few dollars in the end.
4) Treat your Network Marketing business seriously like you are the owner of the company and products. I’ve asked this question to many people: What will you do if this is your own company and product?Surprisingly, they tell me they will have different ways of doing, do this and that… Seems like they have lots of ideas and all working fine. So, you just need to ask yourself this question and you know how serious you are now.
Wish you have a Great Year 2011 and talk to you again! Cheers~~~
If you are in Network Marketing, I believe Magnetic Sponsoring is not a new term to you. Magnetic Sponsoring is an ebook by Mike Dillard and it has changed my life in Network Marketing.
I came into Network Marketing industry without first knowing I’m in this industry, funny right? Because I was using Internet Marketing way to do it, which means I get leads online and then I invited my leads to attend business presentation and do closing. Until my friend told me I’m in Network Marketing and also when I do researches online, they give me more information about Network Marketing. Since that, I have a brand new perception about MLM.
All the while I just thought MLM is not for me because I thought I need to call friends, do home party, and invite to business presentation like how I did 10 years ago in my direct sales company. Until I used Internet Marketing way to work on it, I realized MLM nowadays has changed. We can do it online without any cold calling, home party and business meeting. This is really interesting!
I don’t even know who is Mike Dillard until January this year. My friend, Jeff shared with me a lot about Mike Dillard Magnetic Sponsoring concept and I found that it is quite similar with Internet Marketing, but still many things I don’t understand. I intend to find out more and finally I get a copy of Magnetic Sponsoring. Just a sentence – “I never regret for the investment!”
I’ve applied the concept and the techniques in Magnetic Sponsoring and achieved good results in my Network Marketing business. I’ve personal sponsor 20+ reps to my primary business in 3 months time just by follow what has taught inside Magnetic Sponsoring. And the greatest part is, I just did it 100% online.
Some insider info for you so that you can expect what to get from Magnetic Sponsoring. Also, if you already have the ebook, you may want to re-read again.
Magnetic Sponsoring Page 39 – How are you going to build your business?
Page 42 – The fastest way to get rich in life is….
Page 53 – Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill, why?
Page 57 – How to position yourself as an Expert & attract leads to you?
These are just some points I highlighted. In fact, the whole ebook is important from sentence to sentence. It will really change your thinking about Network Marketing industry. I have read it more than twice and I have different ideas and achievement every time I finish my reading.
If you still don’t have good results in your Network Marketing business, the problem probably lies on YOU, not the business. You will know what I mean if you have read Magnetic Sponsoring.
Wish you success in your Network Marketing business!
I’ve attended SmartsBlueprint Workshop – a Free Internet Marketing workshop with some friends last Saturday. It was organized by Teddy Wu, an Internet Marketing Entrepreneur. This is definitely one of the great workshop and through his sharing, I recall what I’ve learnt in the past and also learn new things at the same time.
The workshop started with Frank Kern video and through this video alone, I have gained great knowledge.
Frank Kern has very good sharing but here are some good points I would like to highlight and share with you:
If you help enough people, make them happy and get what they want, you will get what you want.
Always deliver value to prospect and customers
Deliver more value than the others in the community
Do Today What Others Don’t, Enjoy Tomorrow What Others Won’t!
Another important notes that I would like to share with you is:
6 Important Factors For a Successful Internet Marketer
Burning Desire To Success!
Specialized Knowledge – Either spend time to learn or spend money to outsource
Time Management
Be Decisive in Nature – Make Decision Quickly & Don’t Change It. You are going to be the Decision Maker for your Business
Be Goal Oriented – Begin with an end in mind
Mastermind Group & Mentoring – Be accountable to others
Now let’s share the photos taken during the workshop.
Teddy is sharing about Web 2.0 and Internet Marketing Overview
Smarts Traffic Blueprint Overview
Sharing of my Internet Marketing experience
My Sharing on Internet Business
Photo taking with my good friend, Elaine Lau (Founder of Todays Motherhood)
Me and my dearest business partners!
Look at the Financial Times Special Report dated 28 Jan 2009:
After I have shared my collection of 126 MRR Ebooks, I get thank you emails from friends and some of them tell me that they would like to share with their readers, but they are using blogger blog and don’t know how to upload the pdf file to blogspot. I didn’t use blogspot and I didn’t have any idea why blogspot doesn’t have the upload file function. With the curiosity and also hope to find a solution for my friends, I “borrow” a blogspot account from friend and start to try the ways to upload a PDF file. Finally~~ I get the solutions. :)
2 Ways:
1) Use Google Group
2) Upload to Ziddu.com
1) Use Google Group
It is not difficult, I capture some screenshots so that you can follow well. All you need to do is to create a “Google Group” account – http://groups.google.com
2) Upload to Ziddu.com
Ziddu is easy to use. All you need to do is to register an account with them and upload the PDF file using the function provided. Every time people download from your link, you get paid. Click here to go Ziddu.com
Just want to do a quick post to share with you about my post of “Launch my program – Mompreneur Hub”. This was the post I published on 17th May and surprisingly I found this post appear in my email inbox for “Google Alert – mompreneur”. That is on the next day 18th May.
*Click to enlarge
I subscribed to Google Alert for the word “mompreneur” since I started my website – MompreneurAsia.com and this is totally not the keyword for this blog – MoonLoh.com. So, from here, I can conclude that even though this is not the keyword for my blog, Google still “see” it as something relevant and as long as you follow the SEO in your post, they will reward you in some way.
This is definitely a way to drive traffic to the blogs and I believe we should always follow the basic we need to do instead of purposely do something.
The last time I saw my post appeared at Google Alert was In March, that was the post about my Sharing on Womanhood Fiesta at Suntec City, Singapore. If you miss the post, you may take a look here, with some photos attached. ;)
I’ve finally finished all the 9 modules of Niche BluePrint. :)
I thought I would do my own notes and even considered to get a new note book for that. However, the truth is I didn’t write a single word inside my note book for the study of Niche BluePrint. Why? The reason is very simple, they have compiled all the important points into PDF files and I can just refer to the files in future.
Ok, just some quick share with you what I have learned. I feel that this is a must learn if you want to have your own home business selling products online. The most powerful is the niche finding and market research! They show the great way to find the profitable niche market and I must agree that this is the most important step that an online businessman must do. :)
They really have shown the whole process in a detailed procedure. You just won’t fail set up the e commerce site by follow their step by step guide. Like my earlier sharing about the modules, they also include the ways to generate traffic with free methods.
This is really a great course and it definitely helps in my online business. :)
Education is a powerful tool in any field of the career or business. :)
I have been looking around for online opportunity and I am honor to have met Moon. When I first saw her Mompreneur Asia Website, I was deeply inspired and very impressed. Being a full time mother and with her will to believe that making money online is possible. Being through the hard work, she has proven to many people that anyone can make money online. Her willingness on helping people like me has given me a guideline in life that decision is upon individual. So if you are looking for opportunity like me, Moon Loh should be the one you are long looking for.
Charmaine Ong
It has been my pleasure to work with Moon Loh since last year. She has consistency and integrity in her work. She shares her knowledge in internet and network marketing generously. I would definitely recommend Moon Loh without hesitation
Viviana Andrew
I have known Moon Loh since Year 2010. When I first saw her Mompreneur Asia website, I was very impressed. She is really someone I admire very much. From an ordinary housewife to becoming one of the top internet marketers in Asia, she had proven that anyone can make money online. She is also very down to earth and willing to share her knowledge and skills with others. I am glad to have the privilege to work with Moon.
Ket Sang Tai
Moon shares freely her knowledge in internet marketing to her team and patiently teach them till they understand. Her leadership is worth commending on. If you want to find someone whom you can learn and work with to succeed in Internet Network Marketing, Moon is the person you can look for.