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How To Make More Money With Your Network Marketing Business

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In network marketing, knowledge is the key to success.

You should treat network marketing as a business rather than a hobby. Success is determined by how much time and effort you put into getting the job done.

Before signing up with any network marketing program, you should evaluate its compensation plan carefully. Check out the plans for compensation that will cover you and also those that affect the people above and below you in the network. If you know the exact amount you’ll receive you’ll be better equipped to calculate whether the time you’re committing is worth it.

Know everything you can about the products in your company. If you are not in tune with products and aren’t showing enthusiasm for it, then it will be very difficult to inspire others to feel good about what you have for them. Your passion for your industry should be readily apparent to everybody you work with.

If you want to be truly successful with network marketing, you need to first decide in your mind that you want to succeed. You must be devoted, professional and willing to demonstrate the same level of professionalism as you would being the shopkeeper of your own store. If you can’t visualize your business as an actual entity, it never will be.

You need to visualize the success you will have in network marketing. Particularly in network marketing, it is of great importance to visualize the future because your degree of success is directly related to the scope of your network. In network marketing, positive visualization can be extremely effective, and it is a very wise practice.

Get a white board and write your goals on it as a constant reminder of what you are working for and of your long term strategy. What do you hope to achieve with network marketing? Is your ultimate goal something tangible, like a bigger house, or is it something closer to your heart like providing well for your children?

smart goal setting concept

Treat your network marketing like a business instead of a hobby. Put in the time, effort, and professionalism that this job requires so that you can succeed with your business.

One of the most important things you can do when starting out in network marketing is to establish a set of realistic, reachable goals. Whatever portion of your marketing plan on which you are working, you still need to set measurable, attainable goals. This will give you something to strive for and push you to keep going.

If you are encountering an obstacle, do not always try to deal with it by yourself. Find out what resources are available to you, or get assistance from the company for which you’re working. If you don’t realize that you need help, or don’t want to acknowledge the fact, you may be unsuccessful in the long run. Clearly address your problem, don’t wait to get help when you need it.

Staying open minded will really help you when it comes to network marketing. Staying open-minded all the time will allow you to be in a better place to do better business.

Copy successful strategies. Analyze what your leaders and the best performers in your organization have been doing. Try to adopt a similar approach and attitude, while following their success. If you can replicate their success, you will see success also. There is much to learn from our own mistakes, and a lot of guidance to receive from observing the various successes of others.

A big part of network marketing is thinking about the importance of a budget with respect to your overall plan. Make sure you have money for network marketing, and some forms of advertising. Understanding your expenditures is vital towards success with your business from a quality and monetary perspective.

One of the goals of network marketing is to expand your circle of business partners. In network marketing, this is accomplished by having individual members from your business go out and establish new relationships elsewhere. Creating an effective team who will share the business opportunity and products, while you expand your business in other ways, can be an invaluable asset.

Business network

When you decide to start a business in network marketing, set your standards high and work towards success. Take your business seriously and be sure to treat it similar to a physical store. If you don’t commit to your network marketing efforts, then they will never pay off.
You should allocate time for friends and family members because those relationships can help reduce the stress in your life. It is also important to maintain your connections with these important people. The start-up phase of a business is always the most time and labour intensive. As time goes on, you should have more free time.

Get some people to come to your website! Not only is this step vital, but it can also be one of the most difficult. Once they find your webpage, it is easier for you to convince them what you are offering is worth their time. Concentrate on driving traffic to your page.

Use your website, or even social marketing outlets, to launch your network marketing campaigns. A dynamic, well-written blog can also fill the bill. Maintaining a social networking presence, as well as your own website, would be very strategic options. If you want your network to have an opportunity to grow, then you need to make sure you have exposure on the internet. Having a blog that is well designed can be extremely helpful. “How-to” sites are very popular and proven to garner high traffic. It also means visitors will stay on your site longer. This will make you more likely to add members to your network and increase ad revenue.

Make the most of new marketing techniques by using a video to attract interest to both your products and your network. You can make a video tailored to highlighting your campaign and it will cost you hardly anything!

Social Media

Concentrate your time on gathering leads. Leads eventually turn into money, your ultimate objective. Taking calls, checking emails, and interviewing are all not important when you make money. Obtaining leads, and converting them to income are the two primary activities that directly affect your bottom line. Don’t spend too much time on pointless things. It is easy to become distracted when you are using the internet. If you have a predetermined schedule, you can stay focused more easily on your work.

It is important that you meet up with your team on a regular basis. The only way to keep your team moving in the right direction is to stay in constant communication, and make sure you have a common goal. Meeting with one another is important because it promotes a healthy team environment for everyone.

You should aim to copy success you have at every single opportunity you can find. Go up the line for better advice. Copy their success, and start to develop their approaches and attitudes that make them successful. Patterning your own business approach after those who have gone before you can greatly enhance your own way up the ladder of success. Learn from the success of others, and use your mistakes as a learning process.

Do not take network marketing lightly; it is your business. This is not a business where you will obtain immediate riches after giving it a couple of hours per week worth of your attention. Should you desire network marketing success, then a lot of hard work is required. Keep a promise to yourself of working hard everyday, and that will make you a successful network marketer.

See you at the TOP!

Moon Loh

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Why Network Marketing?

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Why NOT??!!

2014 Direct Selling Statistics


DSA 2014

DSA 2014 Stats

2013 Direct Selling Statistics

2013 Estimated Total Direct Retail Sales
The 2013 estimated retail sales of USD 32.67 billion for the direct selling channel were up 3.3% in the United States, from USD 31.63 billion in 2012.
The U.S. market increase of 3.3% in 2013 continued an upward trend that began after 2009 and brought the industry to a record high.
Direct sales grew 0.8% in 2010, 4.6% in 2011 and 5.9% in 2012.

2013 Direct Selling Statistics

*Direct retail sales are defined as the dollar amount paid by the ultimate consumers of the products or services. These are estimated direct retail sales based on survey data and extrapolated data from secondary sources.

Network Marketing Global Sales 2013

2012 Direct Selling Statistics

U.S. Direct Selling Association Releases 2012 Sales and Salesforce Figures


Phoenix (June 11, 2013) – The United States Direct Selling Association (DSA) today released the results of its Annual Growth & Outlook Survey, which shows U.S. direct sales totaled $31.6 billion in 2012, a 5.9 percent year-over-year increase from $29.87 billion in 2011. In 2012, there were 15.9 million people involved in direct selling in the U.S., an increase from 15.6 million the prior year.

Global direct sales increased 5.4 percent from $158.3 billion in 2011 to $166.9 billion in 2012, according to Carlucci.

US DSA 2012US DSA 2012

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What Is The Chances Of Success In Network Marketing?

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Working hard in your Network Marketing but still not getting results? Watch video to find out WHY.

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How Much Money We Can Make From Network Marketing

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Wondering how much we can make from Network Marketing business? Watch the video to find out the answer.

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How To Choose Network Marketing Company

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Good network marketing company VS Bad network marketing company

Are you joining a good company?

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Awesome Session With Ken Chee & Adam Wong

Moon Loh, Ken Chee, Adam Wong, 8 Investment Pte Ltd
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I love Facebook! Facebook is such a wonderful platform for us to network and meet up with wonderful new friends if you know how to leverage it wisely. I get to know Ken Chee & Adam Wong via Facebook quite long time ago but we just stay at Facebook friends. Sometimes just let Facebook to update me their latest news and activities. Maybe when you browse through your Facebook friends list, they are your friends too. :)

Few days ago Adam connected with me and shared with me about their coming event Brand Mastery Expo. Since Adam and Ken are the speakers for the event, I take the chance to meet up with them and get to know them more. Like what I’ve heard from some friends, both of them are really nice and humble guys. They share with me about themselves, their events and not mention some successful tips. In case you don’t know much about Ken Chee and Adam Wong, below are some of their information or you can read more from their event page – Brand Mastery Expo.

Ken CheeKen Chee started his very first business, a branding and marketing agency, with only $9 in 2002. In 18 months, he generated over $1.4 million in revenue and now counts key brands such as Panasonic, Lexus, Toyota, Hugo BOSS, DBS Bank, Singapore Pools, Seraya Energy and ST Electronics among his clientele.
In recognition of his entrepreneurial efforts, Ken was the recipient of the Spirit of Enterprise Award in 2005. Out of over 140,000 small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Singapore, only the top 40 SMEs are awarded this prestigious honor annually.
In 2008, Ken did it again — he started another company with NO money down and turned it into $3.5 million in just 20 months. Once may be a fluke, but twice is no joke. If you’re looking for someone who knows how to create something out of nothing and grow into a million dollars or more, then you have to touch shoulders with this master entrepreneur.

Adam Wong

Adam Wong is an off-the-cuff, shoot-from-the-hip marketing expert and online web entrepreneur. His first foray online started mid-2006 and, to date, Adam has launched more than 15 products on the Internet. His very first online product launch made US$10,011 in just seven days and, since then, Adam has generated multiple six-figure sales on the Internet. And he did all this without any prior experience or expertise on the Internet. Heck, he didn’t even have anything to sell online when he first started out!

A Spirit of Enterprise nominee, Adam is also the bestselling author of the Internet marketing book — Lucky Bastard!, which hit the Sunday Times’ Top 10 Bestsellers List. In July 2010, he was featured on US national television on The Balancing Act, as a guest author and web marketing expert. The Balancing Act is a US lifestyle morning show and it attracts a nationwide audience of over two million people daily.

Learn From Successful People
Is The Fastest Way To Success

Thanks Ken Chee for sharing his book with me! According to him, this book is not available at bookstore anymore. And guess what, the content is wonderful and powerful! By just scanning through the Table of Contents I already get attracted.

For example,

  • Chapter 5 – Knowing why they buy what they buy
  • Chapter 7 – Seven differentiation strategies that will dominate your niche
  • Chapter 9 – Knowing my first million-dollar formula
  • Chapter 10 – Three steps & 22 marketing tools and strategies
  • Chapter 13 – 19 tips for writing powerful marketing material that generate instant results
  • Chapter 14 – The 7 mistakes you’re making on the internet that are losing money for your business every single day

Moon Loh - Brand Mastery

Brand Mastery - Ken Chee

I’m going to attend Brand Mastery Expo and get connected with more successful entrepreneurs. Do join us!

Click here to find out more info about the event brand mastery expo

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Can I Do Network Marketing Purely Online?

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Many networkers trying to build the business online and wondering how to do it. Here’s my answer to you.

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Need Traffic? Fast Solutions To Drive Traffic to Your Website

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Website traffic is for many business models, the key to profits. The more traffic you have, the bigger your bottom line. Whether you’re launching a new product or just want a quick influx of cash, sometimes you need tons of traffic quickly. Here are 5 fast solutions to drive traffic to your website.

#1 Social media. Social media works quickly and if you have a large following on any of the social media sites, you can generate a ton of traffic to your website quickly. The key is to create attention grabbing posts that arouse curiosity, make people laugh or stir up a controversy. You want to generate click throughs to your website.

Make the most of your social networking tactics and use technology to get the job done. For example, one StumbleUpon post can be integrated with both Facebook and Twitter profiles so you’re making waves on all three social sites at once.

#2 Article marketing. Article marketing works well when you concentrate your efforts on quality article marketing sites with large audiences. One well written and informative article, rewritten a few times, and submitted to a handful of directories can generate the traffic you’re looking for. Be sure to include a bio box that includes a call to action and a link to your website to motivate click throughs.

#3 Blogging. Post on your own blog or be a guest blogger on a blog with a large number of subscribers. Like social networking, if you offer an informative, controversial or entertaining post, you’ll have people clicking through to your website like mad. Of course, if you also promote this wonderful blog post(s) via social media, you can double your traffic results.

#4 Video content. It’s amazing how quickly a video can go viral. Like print content, videos that entertain, stir up a bit of controversy or offer tremendous value cause a buzz. They’re forwarded to friends and downloaded on laptops and mobile devices around the globe. A good video can generate all the traffic you need. Again, integrate a bit of social media to promote your video, blog about it too, and you can multiply your traffic results.

#5 Partnerships. Partnering with a relevant or compatible business can work quite well to generate traffic fast. The key is to come up with a mutually beneficial agreement. Find people in your industry that are willing to work with you and help each other drive traffic. A partnership may include guest blogging on each other’s sites, swapping advertisements or even promoting one another in your ezine.

It’s possible to drive a ton of traffic to your website fast. The trick is to have a plan in place, know your audience and your goals, and take action.

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Success Secrets Still Valid

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Author Michael Jeffreys personally interviewed 15 top motivational gurus in 1997 for his then upcoming book.  After talking to gurus from Brian Tracy to Dr. Wayne Dyer, he distilled 8 Secrets to Success they all agreed upon.  These secrets are still good today and are as follows:

1.    Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life – In a society where people blame everything from their parents to the government for failure, those who don’t buy into this mentality or succumb to the “victim” thinking succeed. To blame something or somebody outside yourself is saying they have control of your life and not you. Someone else’s opinion of you doesn’t have to become your reality.

2.    Live Your Life On Purpose -  What separates motivational thinkers from the unsuccessful is that they believe they’re doing what they were put her to do. The difference between this and just living, is that the latter is just getting through the week with the least problems.  But when you live your life on purpose, your main concern is doing the job right.  For the entrepreneur this means finding a cause you believe in and building your business around it.

3.    Be Willing to Pay the Price – Be willing to pay the price for your dreams.  Wanting a big house, a luxury car, and a million dollars in the bank is all very nice, and everyone wants these things – but are you willing to pay the price to get them?  This is one of the major differences between the successful and unsuccessful.

4.    Stay Focused – Every day we’re bombarded with hundreds of tasks, phone calls, messages, and everyone competing for our time.  Focusing requires giving up something in the present because you are investing your time in something that will pay off big-time down the road.  Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson were turned by 30 publishers when they submitted the first “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book.  Instead of giving up, they stayed focused on their goal and did four or five interviews per day for radio, TV, and newspapers, for five days a week for a whole year.  Eventually, a small publisher decided to take a chance, and of course now it’s a best-seller that spawned an entire series that have sold more than 10 million copies.

5.    Become An Expert in Your Field – One striking factor all successful people have in common is how seriously they take their profession.  They strive to be the best at what they do, and do almost anything to improve.  If someone followed you around all day with a video camera at your business, would it be a tape you’d be proud of or embarrassed about?  Make the decision today to work at being the best in your field.  How? By finding out what the “best” in your field are doing, and do what they do.

6.    Write Out a Plan for Achieving Your Goals -  Write out an action plan/map for how you’re going to achieve your goals.  Trying to reach your goals without a plan is like trying to drive from Los Angeles to Chicago without a map.  A goal that isn’t written down is merely a wish or fantasy.

7.    Never Give Up -  Never, never, never give up. When you’re fully committed to achieving your goal, giving up is not an option. You must be willing do whatever it takes to make it happen.  The power of perseverance is an awesome force.  As someone once said, “inch by inch it’s a cinch”.  Think of the lowly inchworm – if it pondered the length of the trip from start to finish before it started, it probably would never move. To a worm’s point-of-view,  the garden path must look like a trip to Mars. Never give up! Keep on going like the Eveready battery bunny, and pretty soon you’re there.

8.    Don’t Delay -  Nobody knows how much time they have left to accomplish their dreams, and we must remember that we don’t have forever. The clock is ticking, and sooner or later your number comes up and you’re gone.  Successful achievers know this too, but they don’t view it as a “negative”.  Achievers use it to “spur them on”.  They go after what they want as energetically and as passionately as possible, for as long as they have.

I had a friend who used to say, “Today is a check – cash it!  Yesterday is an I.O.U. – forget it! Tomorrow is a promissory note, don’t  bank on it!”  I think that’s a pretty good summation of life, so go out there and cash in on that “today” check.

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Leadership & Teamwork

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Strong, positive teamwork is defined by a leader who has a vision and the ability to inspire his or her team to work toward the realization of that vision.

The leader is not threatened in the least by the expertise and diversity of his or her team. Rather, a good team leader engages his or her teammates in a discussion about what quality looks like, what is needed to perform and complete the job, and empowers the team members to always strive for quality improvement.

Let’s break all that down into its component parts. The first is a clearly defined leader. I believe every team must have a leader. There must be someone who is in charge and makes the ultimate decisions.

Team members may take turns being the leader as long as everyone is clear who the leader is on any given day. Another variation of that theme is to have certain people be the leader for projects that are in their area of expertise. However, in every event, there can be no question among teammates who is the leader for that day or project.

The leader needs to have a vision. This is similar to Covey’s second habit, “Begin with the end in mind.” A true leader creates the end product twice—once mentality and then in its actual form. It is impossible to lead toward a fuzzy vision. People are simply not inspired to follow uncertainty.

Having the vision is not enough to inspire teammates to strive toward the same goal. A good team leader knows how to help each teammate see how the end product or service will be useful and what, exactly, their individual contribution is toward that end.

How does the janitor contribute to fans’ enjoyment at a professional baseball game? By providing a clean, neat bathroom experience—that’s how. If the janitor sees himself as a critical cog in the big picture goal and he receives positive recognition for it, then he is more likely to perform his job with enthusiasm.

Another component of being able to inspire one’s teammates is having a clearly defined mission that everyone, preferably, has had a part in developing, but if not, then at least team members can agree to the previously established team mission.

This becomes important in times of conflict between team members. When there is a dispute to be solved, it is helpful to have an already established way to measure the solution. Solutions are always held up against the mission and whether or not it will move the team closer or further from the ultimate goal.

The other advantage of having a mission that has been agreed upon by all team members is that it can enhance cooperation. One of the most difficult things to manage on a team is an individual ego. There can be petty jealousies and a competitive spirit that can kill the cooperation of the best team. The mission statement is a way to minimize this potential for disaster.

The mission remains the focus that everything else is compared to. An individual’s action is either helpful or hurtful to the mission and dealt with accordingly. The group’s goal must always be placed above any individual’s desires or ego. Jealousy and backstabbing have no useful place on a team.

A good leader is in no way threatened by the expertise and diversity of his or her team. The best leaders are always seeking information from the front line people who are doing the actual work. Without information from team members, the leader’s hands are tied behind his or her back.

It is also critical to use team members in their areas of expertise. Leaders can’t know everything about everything. There will be team members who have skills and abilities that surpass those of the leader in certain areas. A good leader will ask for help when it is prudent.

This is also a time to value diversity. Having a team made up of people who all do the same jobs in pretty much the same way really has no value. One person could more easily do the job than assembling a homogenous team.

The value of a team comes from its heterogeneity. Getting feedback and suggestions from people who do things differently is what will spark the creativity and the genius of the team. This is what masterminding is all about. Tap into the wealth that is already there.

Finally, a good leader holds the bar high. He or she does not ask his team to be average or mediocre. Average and mediocre can be easily replaced. The leader asks his or her team to collectively do their very best and when they are done, the leader asks them to always strive for continuous improvement. The work is never done. The team should always be evaluating what has been implemented and be comfortable making suggestions for ways to do it even better.

Previously, I mentioned that a good leader empowers his or her teammates. Creating a need-satisfying environment does this. Team members must get along and know that the leader and the company have their best interests at heart. They must feel important, listened to and respected. They must have the freedom to make choices within the context of their assignments and they must have some fun in their work.

It is also critical for team members to feel safe. This means that they are not fearful in any way. The team leader is critical in fostering this environment for the empowerment of the entire team.

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