This is the slides that I used for a networking talk 4 months ago and I’ve uploaded to slideshare. Just notice that I have not shared it in my blog, so here you go. Enjoy! :)
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This is the slides that I used for a networking talk 4 months ago and I’ve uploaded to slideshare. Just notice that I have not shared it in my blog, so here you go. Enjoy! :)
Last week I get an email to offer me one month free subscription at Fotolia.com. In fact it is not “an email” because after several emails follow up by Jenna, the Fotolia person in charge, I seriously look into the content and offer. I got tons of spam offer emails everyday and most of the time I just glance through and delete those emails. But I really appreciate Jenna’s effort and persistent in the following up. I finally reply her email and one month free subscription is a good deal for me! I can now download Royalty FREE Stock Photos for free!
Fotolia is not new to me because I have an account with it before and bought photos for my project usage. See, for some project we cannot just google images and use the pictures directly. If you pay enough attention, you will see the sentence “This image may be subject to copyright”.
8 Reasons For Fotolia Microstock
1. Time Savings
Fotolia services will save you time, as you are much more likely to find what you need quickly. A savings in time translates into saving money.
2. Clear Licensing Agreement
One hazard of being a designer is learning about copyright laws, restrictions and licenses. On the free photo sites, you have to read the fine print for each and every photo you use. Some photographs come with no restrictions, some are only for non-commercial use and some require the name of the photographer. You don’t have to deal with this headache on Fotolia. The licensing agreement will be the same for all photos in the license category you select, which is typically a standard royalty-free license.
3. Availability of Vector Art and Illustrations
Fotolia offers a wide variety of vector art and illustrations. Illustrated graphics can give a course a completely unique look and feel. Vector art refers to graphics that are hand drawn in a tool like Adobe Illustrator. Because they exist as mathematical renderings, they can be expanded to any size and manipulated in a vector graphics program.
4. Compelling Images
You can find photos based on a concept, emotion or theme. You can find people doing interesting things and simple single objects that are ready to use.
5. Guaranteed Model Releases
You need the signed release of a model to use his or her photo. Model releases are guaranteed with a paid service. This is not true on a free site. That’s why I never use photographs of a person from a free service.
6. More Efficient Search
There’s nothing like typing in the search term ‘money’ and getting back photos of the Eiffel tower. This kind of poor search functionality is common on some free photo sites. On the other hand, efficient search functionality is one of the foundations of Fotolia. Fotolia has staff to tag their photos with keywords, so the results are usually more accurate. The keywords are also translated in many languages.
7. Supports The Arts
The world would only be shades of gray without the Arts. By paying for images, you’re helping photographers and illustrators earn a living. We need them.
8. Reduces Stress
When you can quickly find the graphics you like and need, it reduces your level of stress. And we all need that.
Very important is…
All images offered on Fotolia are Royalty free, they can be used for all kinds of professional documents with no limit on time or copies:
Enjoy the video and click here to try ==> Fotolia.com
The online branding is important especially for a person who is running online home business. You should either do personal online branding or business online branding. Today I’m going to share with you how you can do a powerful online personal branding.
Before that, let me share with you some of my own examples:
Keyword: Mompreneur (First page – 5 out of 10)
Keyword: Singapore Mompreneur (First page – 8 out of 10)
Keyword: Mompreneur in Internet Business (First page – 6 out of 10)
Keyword: Mompreneur in Internet Network Marketing
(First page – 5 out of 10)
Keyword: Mompreneur Coach in Internet Marketing (First page – 4 out of 10)
Keyword: Mompreneur Coach in Network Marketing (First page – 5 out of 10)
Keyword: Mompreneur Coach in Internet Network Marketing
(First page – 6 out of 10)
To do a online personal branding, first you must be very clear what you want to brand yourself as. In other words, who you want to become. This is a very hard to answer question especially when you are still new and have no idea what brand name you want to use. Basically it is just like when you were in primary school, your teacher asked you what is your ideal occupation when you grow up. We normally studied all and when up to a certain level only we know what is the most suitable occupation for us. Personal branding is also the same.
When you still have no idea what brand name to use, I suggest you do more study and learning. It will help you and give you a clearer mind who you want to become one day. And personal online branding will turn you from nobody to somebody if you handle it well.
So, after you have decided your brand name, it’s time for you to work. First, the most important is to have a personal blog and it should look professional. If you are too new to blogging, no rush, you can always improve from time to time. The key here is to have your brand name put under the All In One SEO plugin (Read more for All In One SEO Plugin).
Of course you should not be lazy but to consistently update posts for your blog. Other than that, you should also submit articles to different authority articles sites such as Ezinearticles, Hubpages etc. Those are the good sites that will also help to rank your brand name at the front page of Google.
When talk about ranking at the top of Google Organic Search, SEO is an important topic. If you want to find out more about SEO Topic, this is a post with some good information for you – Search Engine Optimization(SEO) – Google Webmaster Help Center. You may also find some of my personal findings and sharing about SEO at my other blog posts.
There are also many other online marketing you can do to boost your ranking and build your brand name. One powerful technique I should not forgotten to share with you is Social Media Marketing. Click here to read some of the important information about Social Media Marketing (This is just the very basic).
Of course to build a online brand name it takes time and you need to also put in a lot of effort. My sharing here are some of the basic elements you need to have in order to get started. Only when you start to do it, you will know what is the next step that follows.
Lastly, do always remember, to successfully build your personal brand online, self improvement and development is very important. These are some of my personal collection of self improvement ebooks that you may get it for free.
Click here to download 13 Self Development Ebooks
Click here to download 12 Self Improvement Ebooks
I wish you success and I see you in First Page of Google! :)