Vemma stands for Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen, Aloe. As the composition suggests, Vemma is a company that produces health products. You can read any Vemma review on the net and learn about Vemma. These days there is a lot of demand for health based products and millions of people are willing to purchase nutritional food products. As the demand is high, BK Boreyko founded Vemma in 2004 as an MLM company, meaning unlike other methods, Vemma is sold directly by representatives of Vemma, providing them a big opportunity to earn.
A few weeks ago, one of my friend from UK who is a medical doctor suggested Vemma to me. He’s an excellent network marketer too. He told me apart from Vemma’s health benefits, the market for nutritional drinks was big and if I put effort, I would successfully be able to do the MLM business and earn good money. He also told me about Vemma Builder system and Vemma’s product mangosteen juice. This juice is made from natural mangosteen fruit with lots of anti-oxidants. According to a recent research, they help keeping the body healthy and slow down the effects of aging.
At first I was quite skeptical about Vemma and its MLM system as there are many similar systems that promise big money but in the end, people only lose money, waste time and energy. The biggest problem in selling a product in market is there should be a demand for that. Many people fail to see that and utterly fail. But if there is something that can never go out of demand is something that promises to improve your health. Historically, health products have always been in vogue. After a lot of research and reading Vemma review, I could see how big the demand is for health supplements all over the world.
So I thought I should join and try Vemma Builder marketing system. In the end, the system really impressed me. It saved a lot of effort, time and energy. I found Vemma Builder system is more effective and helpful in doing online business and generating more leads than any other MLMs. I’ve seen some declare Vemma a scam. The main reason for this declaration Vemma scam is that they don’t know how to market the business opportunity. They simply concentrate on selling the products to friends, family and little “marketing” in social networking sites.
No business is easy and if you are in marketing, you are going to have to meet as much people as you can, explain about your business opportunity and products. Moreover, if you want some good money, you have to enroll more people under you and that needs patience and perseverance. I was able to market Vemma opportunity to many people and I found the system saves lots of hard work in following up.
As I found Vemma is good to market, I thought I should study more products from Vemma. Other products from Vemma are Vemma Verve and Vemma Next. Verve is an excellent energy drink with lots of nutritional values. Unlike other energy shots, Vemma is actually good for your health as it contains nutrition. Vemma Next is mostly targeted at children. I really wish to get Vemma Next for my kids but unfortunately it is not available in Singapore for this moment. Vemma has a good support system and training program so that you can learn how to market their products effectively and the online marketing tools they provide help grow your business.
Compensation Plan
The most attractive aspect of Vemma is its compensation structure and other bonuses schemes. The compensation structure is what is known as “binary” or dual line compensation plan which builds two teams, your right and left team. Once you register you get full access to Vemma’s business center with two marketing websites. You get paid on a weekly basis for your team building efforts. The larger the enrollees under you, the more you get paid. Some people call Verma scam, but it is certainly not. It is only those who have not been able to build their own team and market the opportunity and products are calling it a scam. Vemma is an excellent and successful upcoming MLM company that offers attractive plans to foster growth.
Binary compensation plan provides excellent opportunity for the representatives to earn. As it’s a dual line structure, you not only earn for your members’ sales, but also for enrolling new members and their sales which ensure steady stream of monthly income. Many people are successfully able to balance these two legs in Vemma compensation plan and earn well.
The next thing I like about Vemma’s model is there is no restriction on how you do business. Many think when doing business, you have to follow certain principles and practices. Though it’s applicable for most of the businesses, Vemma lets you work anytime and anywhere. There is no physical boundary where you can market products and make your team. You can do Vemma business at your desired time from home. You might know that most of the MLM don’t provide you the option to advertise your product or share online. I truly believe that if you want to do a business, there should be no boundaries and restrictions. Vemma doesn’t restrict you in any way so that you can follow your own business model and be convenient with that.
For anybody’s success, there would be a person, a leader behind. Vemma facilitates just that. Once you register, you have access to lots of marketing tools and resources which enable efficient business from your part. Even if you are not very good at marketing, you are going to have a good team leader from whom you can learn many things. The training and guidance provided by Vemma is enough for you to learn marketing.
If you want to experience how Vemma Builder works, simply follow this link: Free Tour @ Vemma
Nice article. It is my pleasure to be able to work with you. You can a great marketer.
Haa Ket, I think is MY pleasure to work with a good leader like you.
i just wanna thank you for sharing your this information and your site or blog this is simple but nice article I?ve ever seen i like it i learn something new today?
Sent via Blackberry
Many think that by exposing the opportunities to as many people as possible and having lot of signup, success will eventually come.
But recruiting people is just the begining, making people stay and continue to reorder the products can make or break the opportunity.
High attrition rate and low reorder rate is often the killer of the any opportunity. Residual income is possible only if the opportunity doesn;t need one to keep recruiting.
May I know the attriton rate and the reorder rate of the opportunity presented(in black and white proof)
Hi Darren,
As what you have said, “recruiting people is just the beginning…”
So, it is pointless to show you about the attrition rate and the reorder rate. This is the same as to show you a big check of 5 figure per month and lots of people in the same opportunity yet not earning much.
I believe you do agree that this is based on the effort you have put in to the business and also the team and leaders support to make this a success.
Thanks for your comment here and look fwd to connect with you more.
Hi Moon,
Thank you for your sharing.
Low attrition rate and high reorder rate are my 2 most important factor I consider for a good residual income.
Let say a network of size 1000, attrition 50% after a year(members left within a year), reorder rate 20%. Will residual income secure?
If you have a 5 figure per month with high attrition, it mean many people are getting hurt along the way.
But if your 5 figure per month and many still not earn as much but they are still happily reordering…you got yourself a great company to be with.
If distributors willing to continue to order the products month after month wthout making a lot of $, I see value in the poducts, I see residual income.
Hi Darren,
Great to hear your comment again.
Agree with you about the low attrition rate and high reorder rate are factors to take into consideration.
Let me share with you my own experience. There are company shows us they have high retention above 90% and they have proof. But when I with them, it doesn’t apply too. So, there are many factors for the attrition rate and reorder rate.
First, are you with a team that give support, training to the team members, motivate them and make them like the working/team environment? Secondly, are the members in the team has enough knowledge on the product so that even if they are not in business, they will still order the product? Thirdly, this is about the system. Either the company provides a good system or the team should have a good system for the members to follow.
Many times, the retention rate based very much on human effort. :) Choose a team to work together and create the success you want.
Hi Moon,
Actually, I look for these number, group volume, individual volume. number of new and dropout members and gather as much fact/figure as possible. Of course, there might be company try to lie about the figure, but a monthly paycheck report is quite accurate. I feel it is better to spent time to find a good company that to hurt myself and other who join you later.
I disagree retention based on human effort. If the products is expensive, storing up too much inventory, unable to breakeven after a long period of time. High drop out rate can allow wear out a person too, getting discourage and eventually drop out too. No amount of motivate can keep a person if the opportunity does not work out for him/her. Maybe the human effort come in the part of due deligence check before joining.
I would agree and disagree with some of your comment here.
Retention is a multifactorial thing. It depends on:
1. If the compensation plan rewards early effort
2. If the product is really good that people will continue to use it even if they stop the business.
3. If you have a team and proven system which can help newbies get some reward ASAP.
4. If your team has a good culture and community effect and people just want to be part of the team.
5. If your team have such good education and development program that people feel that they are learning and progressing even if they are not making money yet.
As Mark Yarnell said, network marketing is all about personal development. There will be people who don’t make money initially because they don’t have the ability or quality to do so initially. If they have the right mindset, they will stay put and keep learning until they make it.
So I would say it is a 50:50 ratio. 50% deoends on the company and 50% depends on the team effort (in term of community, support and training).
Just my 2 cents.
Hi Ket,
Thank you for sharing. I give higher value to get retention on point 2 you mention. For point 1,3,4,5. there are possibility like some Amway team where training become their main source of income.
Network market should be as simple as possible, I find many enroller over train their newbie. I thought networker just need to refer people to the company and ask the friends to do the same. With good value products that people need, I dont have to worry about high attrition.
Mark Yarnell sell MLM training books, of course he would say network marketing is personal development.
I am starting a new website for mlm discussion soon.
I can see your point. Personally I don’t agree with leaders who make money from selling books and tools. However, I still believe personal development, training and self-improvement is a very big part of network marketing. I have also seen a lot of leaders offering training for free and selling tools at cost price, which I highly admire. That is what I am aiming to do as well.
Although network marketing is all about referral and recommendation, but at the end of the day, it is still a business. To be successful in business, you need personal development. This is a common trait of all successful people or entrepreneurs. History has proved this point.
Whenever you have a big group of people involved, you need a leader. It is human nature and that is how society works, people look for leadership. A leader will make the most money in whatever they do, not just in network marketing. Of course people can simply recommend products to friends and make a few hundred dollars a month, if that is what they want. However, if you want to be rich and make 5-6 figure a month, you need to be a leader people look up to.
Furthermore, I believe sharing products in network marketing is different from sharing a good movie or restaurant. There is more skill involved in network marketing. Try recommending a restaurant which you are also a shareholder, it is not as simple as people think. At the end of the day, regardless of what business, industry or job we are in, we get paid for the “extra value” we offer. If a network marketing products can spread using simple “commission-less” word of mouth recommendation, then as network marketers, we have nothing extra to offer and we lost our “value”.
Obviously we have different opinion and may be we just have to agree to disagree :)
[...] compensation plan or Vemma here. I’ve done a quite detail sharing in my earlier post – My Experience with Vemma. You can proceed to read the post [...]
[...] probably know my primary business now is Vemma. You may read my experience with Vemma and why I finally choose to partner up with real leaders to work together in Vemma Online Business. [...]
[...] joined Vemma. I’ve share why and how I joined Vemma company in my previous blog post – My Experience with Vemma. Prior in Vemma business, I always thought that I can only attract mothers to join me. All of the [...]
Hi Sis, I’m a Vemma too. thanks for motivating me to the first billionaire in Indonesia. Great Success for all of us. God bless you.