This is not the first time I mentioned about my learning of Google Adwords. I have lots of interest about Google Adwords and I’ve spent time at the learning center to sharpen my Adwords knowledge.
For the first time I read from the learning center, I actually choose those topics that I “feel” is important to me, examples the campaign and ad group management and the keyword targeting. I don’t really read all the topics or even I read some, I didn’t “see” the importance of the topics.
I started my Adwords campaigns and I was panic when I get a very poor CTR. The performance of the campaigns and ad group were really not good. That time my friend – Teddy (he is now my mentor) asked me to read from the learning center. I listened to him but I still focus on the keyword targeting and ignore the other parts. I started to use different types of keywords and brainstormed a lot. This time the result improved but I still feel that it still can be improved.
After I’ve taken up IM course, I asked Teddy AGAIN about how to improve the result of adwords, he gives me lots of advice and AGAIN he asks me to read from the learning center and he mentioned that “All topics in the learning center are important”.
Guess what, I feel that I just like those children who need the parents to nag for few times before seriously do the homeworks.
So, this time I really spent my time to seriously read it and also do my notes. I write down notes for easy referring and better revision when needed. And, this is the first time I agree that “All topics in the learning center are important”!
Here’s are some pages of my notes. You are welcome to comment on it and I will share more about my learning in future posts.

I have discussed about LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing in my previous blog post “What is LSI” but not go into detail. Today let’s see some history of LSI.
Applied Semantics is a company whose use the software tecnology (creator of CIRCA) to extract and organize information from websites in a manner similar to the way that humans might act. The software technology arose from the shortage of finding the valuable content for the advertising of Adsense ads. As you may know, Adsense ads matched the keywords on the pages to keywords in the ads and a webmaster earned money for every click he received from an ad shown on his website. Google soon found the problems of those webpages simply contain relevant keywords phrases to capture traffic for the Adsense ads without valuable content. The software technology of Applied Semantics thus plays an important role in solving this problem. In year 2003, Google purchased Applied Semantics.
The exact mathematical formula used for LSI is complicated and it analyzes pages not only for keywords, but for processing documents based on keyword themes. So its real function is to determine if the content of a site is of value to the visitor or not. Since Google found LSI technology useful and has been implementing it into its ranking algorithm, we should understand and deploy on our websites.
We have some basic knowledge about LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing), here we see how some words have other meanings to Google under the LSI.
When we perform search for the word “laptop” using Google, the returns results on the search pages are as follow:
Google BOLDS the search word “laptop”

If we run a query using the LSI commands which is a ~ sign in front of the search word “~laptop”, Google will show the search results as follow:
With LSI, you can see that to Google, “laptop” also means: Dell, VAIO, Toshiba, Computers.

LSI has changed the way Google looks at sites – shift from “keyword” to “themes”. It based on the concept that humans are not looking for pages that contain specific keywords but for sites build around a theme.
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When most of us focus on the word SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to achive page ranking success, there is another key to page ranking success – LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing).
People always say “Content is King” and we always focus on the great content and wanted our articles to be found on search engines and therefore those articles were written with SEO in mind. Now, Let’s find out what is LSI and why it is the key to page ranking success.
LSI is Latent Semantic Indexing. It is a way for search engines to view and rank web pages in a more natural, or human manner. In other word, LSI helps search engines to find out what a web page is all about and it basically means that you shouldn’t just focus on a single keyword when optimizing our web pages and when getting links. LSI not only takes into account a keyword or phrase but also other words and phrases that are similar.
Let’s look at this example. When we want to write an article with the keyword of “buy dress”, we would include this keyword in the article about 3% for SEO purposes. However, with LSI we need to include “buy dress” a few times and also want to include other phrases like “buy clothes”, “buy long dress”, “get dress” and “purchase dress”. The article will then ranked higher in the search results because according to LSI, this article will have more value compare to only target the keyword of “buy dress”. Instead of one keyword or keyword phrase being used as anchor text, a variety of anchor text is favoured.
With the introduction of LSI, sites that previously were ranked high because of extensive inbound links based on a single keyword have now found their ranking have dropped.
If you still not clear about the difference of Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Social Media Optimization (SMO), Luqman Technolgies has a good definition for the above.
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social Media Marketing means marketing website on Social Networking and share website with users of Social Networking Websites. Those Social Networking users again share the website and bookmark it and again share it on other Social Networking Websites. This process of marketing is called Social Media Marketing.
Social Media Optimization (SMO)
Social Media Optimization (Web Marketing) basically referred as designing the website and optimized it which attracts the Social Networking users and those user bookmark the website and share it with other Social Networking Websites.
There are 4 simple ways to start your social media marketing
Blog – Website is the most effective and powerful tool in social media marketing. Have your own blog and if you don’t have a blog, you need to start one.
Listen – Listen to what’s being said about you, the hot discussion of your niche and also the latest news in your niche content area.
Responde - Always responsive to feedback and leave thoughtful comments on other blogs when they discuss something about you or your niche.
Share – Share your interesting findings, information or other content online with others. To give something value to the communities you join, you will build up respect for doing so.
Advantages of Social Media Marketing
- Connect with people
- Maintain brand positioning
- Generate more traffic
- Enlarge the targeted segment
- Increase the user experience
- It’s free
- Quick results
- Building links with social media is safer than buying links
- Leverage existing traffic
Tips of Social Media
- Have a website that is social media friendly
- Pick and join communities related to
- Create high quality, link worthy content
- Understand how to submit and push social campaigns
- Be social
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Many of us have heard about Social networking but are not quite sure what it means.
A social network is a map of all the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.
Social Network Diagram

*Definition & Social Network Program from Wikipedia
In other words, Social Networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Websites are commonly used in online social networking and these websites are known as social sites. Examples of social networking websites are Facebook, Friendster, LinkedIn, Plaxo etc.
One of the fantastic thing about social networking is you could develop an online friendship with individual or groups in different countries. There is no barriers of make new friends and you might learn and share new things and cultures with your new friends.
As an online marketer, you can also utilize social networking and consider it as a platform to announce yourself and your internet business. Through social networking, you can easily meet other like-minded people sharing the same interests and join groups.
My very first lesson with my mentor was learnt about Social Media Marketing.
According to Wikipedia, social media is the use of the electronic and internet tools for the purpose of sharing and discussing information and experiences with other human beings. Social media marketing is another low-cost promotional method for your website or business and it is a powerful strategy that will easily give you large numbers of visitors. Those visitors may come back to your website again and again.
What is the difference of Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Social Media Optimisation (SMO)
Cameron Olthius has great definitions of the SMM and SMO and I’m going to quote here.
Social buy ampicillin online Media Optimisation – SMO
SMO refers to the process of refining a website (optimizing it) so that it’s awareness and content are easily spread through social mediums and online communities by users and visitors of the website. This can include anything done “on-page” such as improving the design and usability of the website so that it becomes more compelling to users, in an effort to help them spread it through social media sites. The simplest example of SMO is represented by all the “digg this” and “add to delicious” icons and links that are percocet online all over the web today.
Social Media Marketing – SMM
SMM on the other hand plays more of an active role in relation to social media by referring to the creation and distribution of content and other messages through the social web by some form of viral marketing. This can be anything from creating compelling content that gets bookmarked and even hits digg’s homepage to spreading a viral video by putting it on YouTube and other social media websites. It’s about the things that are done off-site, for example, participating in online communities where your customers hang out would be an active role that falls under SMM.
Rules of Social Media Marketing
There are some rules and techniques that we can use as a guideline and I’m going to list some main points here.
- Increase your Linkability
- Make Tagging & Bookmarking
- Reward Inbound Links
- Help you Content travel
- Encourage the mashup
- Be a User Resource
- Reward Users
- Participate
- Know how to Target your Audience
- Create Content
I hope by now you have an idea about Social Media Optimisation (SMO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM)
The hottest news in town for these two days must be the AIG Crisis. The AIG subsidiary, American International Assurance (AIA) has also been affected. About 100 nervous customers on Tuesday waited outside AIA offices in Singapore to check the status of their policies. Even Monetary Authority of Singapore said in a statement that AIA has sufficient assets to meet all its liabilities to policyholders but some still wish to cancel their policies.
According to report, AIG Singapore founded in 1931 has more than 2 million policies in force. The possibility of AIG bankruptcy has brought to the fear of all the people in town and all of us are monitoring the situation closely.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers and the AIG Crisis has created new uncertainties for Singapore’s economy. Singapore ecomonic growth forecast also has been revised from 5-6 percent to 4-5 percent this year.
I strongly feel the impact on the U.S. financial turmoil towards the whole environment. I am also worrying whether my insurance policies with AIA life insurance unit, were safe. Life becomes harder and I think you can feel it in some ways too. If you were to ask me what can I do for this moment, I would tell you I won’t sit there doing nothing but will work harder to make more money online to secure my future.
If you are helping Google to advertise at your website, you must already know what is Google Adsense. In case you are just very new to internet, Google Adsense is the sharing of the revenue that Google earns from Adwords by placing the ads on your site. It is a make money program that give you advertising revenue with a minimal investment in time and zero sign up cost.
To start earning with google adsense, you might need to start a website for Adsense. You can choose to sign up a free hosting accounts (eg. blogger, or self-hosted website. However, before you begin your site, choose a topic that you interested in so that you will not run out of content after several weeks.
It is advisable to register at Google Adsense after you generate some contents for your website. Google might evaluate your site before they approve your adsense application. Adsense has four main type of products, that are Adsense for Content, for Search, for Feeds and for Mobile Content. Choose the most relevant product to match your site content and the chance of people click on it will be higher when they need the information.
Some tips of Success with Adsense:
- Keep your website focused on a theme
- Write a new page every day
- Find your keywords – increase traffic with SEO
- Improved your keywords
- Increase the number of ads, but not too much
- Always preview google ads
- Don’t do the “what not to do” things stated in Adsense Program policies
- Read more at Google Adsense Help Center
Make money with Google Adsense is easy but you must have patience and think long term. You need time to build the traffic and to optimize it. Try to analise what your visitors need, provide value and good experience to visitors.
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Today I am going to share with you all my small findings about SEO-Search Engine Optimization. I believe most of the people know the definition of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the general idea of SEO is to get our website rank as high as possible in search results of a search engine.
I myself study about SEO from internet and I get lots of definition and information there. After some times, I decided to do some tests and tried to get my website rank top 20 of google search results. Below is the screenshots of my keywords “whenyouhost” and “affsphere article marketing”. Kindly take a look before I continue on how I did it.
“Whenyouhost” – My website lists in the first page of search results.
“Affsphere Article Marketing” – My website lists in the second page of search results.

*search results on 22.08.08 (pls click to enlarge)
Many people actually do not share how they get their website rank top 20 in google search results. Now maybe you wonder why I want to share this. Firstly, from my experience of self learning about SEO, I hardly understand the actual way of doing it with only general ideas and definitions. Secondly, I couldn’t find teaching materials about SEO via internet search results. Maybe I can only get it through courses or SEO companies. Thirdly, since I have found some ideas on how to do it, I hope my posting here could help others to get a clearer picture about SEO.
This is the steps I did for SEO keywords targeting: -
- Look for some relevant topics I want to write about. Here I choose one of my affiliate program “Whenyouhost” and one of the article marketing strategy “Affsphere Article Marketing”
- Check the search results of these two keywords in google. I found that the total search results for these two keywords are below 12,000. It means it’s easier for my website to rank in front page compare to those keywords with millions search results.
- Write articles based on these two keywords and use keywords in Title Tag, Meta Description Tag and Meta Keywords Tag.
I just used the above three steps and I am quite happy it actually gives me positive results. I hope you all can try to do it in this way and get the results you want. However, I would like to emphasize that the website ranking of search results might vary from time to time and other search engine factors are needed to take into consideration.
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The websites with high page rank have great chances of being crawled by search engine and receive more web visitors from search engines or other directories online. High page rank is thus important for a website and all the webmasters eagerly find the ways to increase their website’s page rank. One of the popular ways to increase the page rank is through the link exchange.
First, it is important to understand what is page rank and how search engine like google, yahoo and msn rate and rank the website. Generally, search engine will rate and rank the website by the link popularity. Link popularity is determined by the quantity and quality of relevant links to other websites. Google search engine especially measures the “quality” of the sites providing the links.
There are two types of links to a website, “Backlink” or “inlink” is the incoming links to a website while “outlink” is the outgoing links from a website to other websites. Some websites achieve good page rank through link exchange activities and it is not easy to find that their websites have many backlinks and outlinks. However, not all links are created equal. Webmasters have forgotten the relevancy of the content for their neighboring webpages.
In short term, the websites would get a good page rank, but google does not like link farm. Google to ensure the users get the most relevant search results by analyze the page content of the website and also analyze the content of neighboring websites. Google will penalize the website if they discover the website links to unrelated sites with irrelevant information. They will also label the links they generate as spam. As a result, the page rank of the website would fall or even banned by search engine.
Webmasters are advisable to use good linking strategies to increase the page rank and link popularity score of a website. They should be more careful when practice link exchange and avoid automated link generators. By maintain coherent theme, include the links in page content and have quality inlinks and outlinks will increase the link popularity score in the long run.