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Archive for the ‘ Google ’ Category

Google Adwords – Tips for Analyzing a PPR


PPR – Placement Performance Report is an important report that helps in your Adwords campaign. You can get good information through the report and could always trace the performance of your campaign.

Here are some tips for analyzing a PPR

  • Implement Google’s conversion tracking so can understand how individual sites are converting
  • Don’t focus on click through rate (CTR) – low CTR on a site doesn’t mean ads perform poorly
  • Respond only to statistically significant data – rely on conversion data and make decision with several weeks data
  • Identify sites that are converting well for your campaign and take steps to increase your exposure on those sites – enable the content bidding feature to bid more aggresively on those sites or target them through a site-targeted campaign

So, if you haven’t run the PPR, go get the report and analyze your campaigns’ performance.

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