Still STRUGGLING in your Internet or Network marketing business? Then this is the most important post you must read on. Attraction Marketing separates the SUCCESSFUL from the STRUGGLING. You have to understand this, otherwise you will continue to STRUGGLE with your Internet or Network Marketing business.
Let’s put it in a simple way, Attraction Marketing attracts people to YOU and your Internet or Network Marketing business instead of chasing after them.
In traditional selling and what most sellers are doing is, advertise and emphasize on their products. They normally try to tell and convince people on how great their products are. The sellers also do cold call to find leads and see whether these people have urgent need to buy or have the financial means to buy whatever they are selling.
When the sellers find the leads, they will do some kind of presentation so that the prospect are convinced and buy the products. Of course some prospects are not and would throw objections at the seller.
So, in this case, who’s chasing who? Yes, it’s the seller chasing after people.
In fact, all of us don’t like being sold. We really don’t like it when people call us on the phone and pitch us on a product or service. I believe you don’t like it too right? And I guess majority of you have received phone calls from telemarketers trying to “sell” you their products and services. What is your response? ;)
However, people do love to buy. When we talk about shopping, this is the most popular pass times for people. Most people go to shopping malls weekends after weekends to satisfy their shopping cravings and nowadays people can easily shopping online for their favourite products or services.
cheap Amoxil justify;”>Now, how does this relate to you and your Internet or Network Marketing business?
This is actually the same concept. When you are in Internet or Network Marketing business, and what you are doing is to pitch your products or business opportunity to your family, friends or cold calling people, you are SELLING to them. Unless you are very good at selling, otherwise you will get lots of resistance and I can assure that you don’t like it too. Again, people don’t like being sold.
You can avoid all this SELLING by applying Attraction Marketing. In this case, prospects will be coming to you. You are the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER. They will try to find out more from you and start to contact you via phone, email etc.
How to apply Attraction Marketing? How to do that?
The answer is – By becoming a person of value!
People are looking for solutions. Therefore what you need to do is to increase your value to others in the marketplace. Provide solutions to their health problems, financial problems, parenting problems etc. You need to give your very best advices and solutions to their most pressing problems.
In order for you to become a person of value, you must increase your value through education and experience. When you become the expert in your prospects eyes, you will attract them to you rather than for you to chase after them.
Attraction marketing is the most natural and pleasurable way to grow your Internet and Network Marketing business.
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Hi Moon,
Have you try attraction marketing, does it work? What is you result?
hope you can share your experience, thank you
Attraction marketing is working fine with me. It brings good results to my online business and I encourage all who are in internet business especially network marketing to do attraction marketing.