Tonight I just want to do a casual and short blogging.
I’ve finish my Google Adwords and Social Media course. It really helps a lot and what I always say, “Education is powerful”. I belive that as a parent we always tell our children to study hard for the future and I’m not only telling my Baby Moon to study hard but also study smart. Just go do what you have learned and clear the stones in front of you to make you a better person.
There is really no secret in Internet Marketing and the only secret is to study smart and work smart. Still remember the 3 correct methods that I always believe in?
- Correct Mindset
- Correct Attitude
- Correct System
I’m going to start my SEO course next month and I hope I have more to share with you all. At the same time, I will share with you some programs or products that I’m using to boost my Internet Marketing business.
Latest update about my Babymoon Travelling Information Guides
8 of 10 on FIRST PAGE of Google Search Result – 29.11.08
baby moon so lucky to have websites named after her!! also lucky to have a clever mummy who knows how to give the best education to her!!
haha eunice, I’m a Mompreneur and my Baby Moon will be a Kidpreneur?!
Well done moon, keep up the good work. I am very sure you will be a successful Internet Entrepreneur. :)
To Your Success!
Hi Teddy, thanks for drop by here.. I know you are always busy :)
Yeah.. I want to be a Mompreneur! A successful Mompreneur! Will work smart and do one thing at one time. ;)