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How To Work From Home At Your Own Hours?

What could be more wonderful than finding a great way to make money that lets you decide your own hours – when you’re going to work and for how long, or whether or not you should take a day off, or even whether you want to arrive at the office in your pyjamas, or blue jeans!

The true magic of Network Marketing is that you get to decide all those things, working from your own home.  The great thing is that network marketing is a business venture that you can start out by devoting a relatively small amount of money and part time hours to and still create a second income. You don’t have to quit your regular job and jump in with both feet from the start. You can ease your way in to network marketing and out of your tired old job at a sane pace – one that is comfortable for you.

Most people start out with network marketing in this way. They keep working at their regular jobs and begin their home business in their free hours. This is a great way to do it, because it’s a risk minimizer. You still have your regular job with your regular income coming in for stability and security, but you also have the knowledge that you’re working towards something better.

At first, the money you make from network marketing is simply extra earnings. It brings in some more income for the little bit of time you’re spending on developing your business each week. But then, over time, you will see the earnings from network marketing increase. This side income is wonderful. It can help you pay off extra bills or save up for something – maybe a luxury cruise or a new car.

This is a great way to begin your network marketing business, starting small and building it into something huge. But don’t forget that even when you begin this way you have to be sure to treat it like a business, scheduling time every week to work on it. Make certain that you’re taking time to learn what it means to really be successful because the more you learn, the more your business will grow.

As you continue to work at your regular job, and also at your new business, building up your side income, you’ll notice that the network marketing income will start gaining on your regular job! Your part time network marketing income will slowly catch up with your full time job income. This is where things get really exciting!

Eventually, you will have the option of leaving your old job so that you can spend your work hours making more money with network marketing.  At this point, you’re giving yourself the gift of freedom to be your own boss. You’ll have the option of saying good-bye to your old boss and a job that you probably didn’t like all that much, or that wasn’t paying you enough. Are you getting paid what you’re worth from your job right now?

I am boss

When you work from home you set your own hours. Nobody tells you what to do, when to do it, and how much you’ll be paid for it. You are your own boss, and you are in complete control.  It’s true that you still have to do work, there are no ways around that, but it’s pretty nifty when you can decide when you’re going in to “the office” and for how long instead of having your Boss do it for you.

If you decide that it’s time for a day off so that you can take your little one to the zoo, that’s up to you – you don’t have to ask for the day off. Or call in sick. Or take “vacation leave”. Or work over time to catch up. Your time is yours to do with as you please.

Starting small with your network marketing venture, while keeping your old job can be a very safe way to accomplish something life-changing. You need some time for your business to get off the ground. But once that happens, the sky is the limit!

4 Responses

  1. grace says:

    Hi Moon,
    do u provide free website? i want to be a website like some mums featured from ur mumprenur website too but don’t know what i can sell or do.. can help?
    however, i am not interested in MLM


  2. Moon says:

    Hi Grace,

    I’m not providing free website. I just give free coaching and training for the team members in our Network Marketing business. They are able to set up their own websites follow our training. :)

  3. jon david says:

    Hi, Moon.
    that’s an awesome article.

    “When you work from home you set your own hours. Nobody tells you what to do, when to do it, and how much you’ll be paid for it. You are your own boss, and you are in complete control. ”

    Words of Wisdom!!!

    Keep it coming..


    Thank You.
    Jon David.

  4. Moon says:

    Hey Jon, I’m sure you know it well because you work from home too.. :)