Many books and articles are constantly being written about generating traffic to a website or blog. Much of the advice is superb and is very usefully for traffic generation. Most of it, however, is simply NOT for the “newbie” or someone just getting started in lead generation.
Why? You might ask.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), viral software and other such mass-traffic techniques are somewhat specialized and are geared more toward the advance user than the beginner. In my opinion, they should be addressed and used when you have the basics in place. Too many beginners get so caught up in the technical aspects of the website itself that they seem to never actually start. Don’t do it.
Many Blogs, Forums, Informational sites, Sports sites, Cooking sites etc. get thousands of visitors per day simply because they have content that their audience wishes to read about. They are popular because of their content, not because they are able to trick the search engines into placing them near the top.
This is not any type of diatribe against SEO or other techniques, it is rather an admonition to get started on your marketing with the very basics of attracting visitors to your site. Later on, when the basics seem like old hat to you the SEO and other techniques will make much more sense and you will be able to integrate them intelligently into your lead generation system.
The basics remain the same:
- Put up your website or blog
- Write some informative articles to put on your blog
- Publish articles on article directories
- Participate in forums and blogs
- Add more techniques as you are able
Don’t let the technical stuff keep you from marketing. Remember, there is no magic button for marketing. Keep making progress one step at a time until you reach your goals.
Great article. Found it when searching for just this info. Sometimes I get so bogged down by the technical aspects, and it can become overwhelming! Thanks for helping me remember the basics!!
All that is true but sometimes we need to look at alternatives. I do agree with you about content, Content is King as they say.