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Google Adwords – Target Your Audience

When you place your ads, do you target your audience? You can actually choose the language and location for better targeting in adwords.

English is the most common language but if your ad is in chinese, you could choose the language of chinese instead of english so that to target more precise readers.
* If user doesn’t Sumycin buy amoxil specify a language preference, Google determines the default language preference by considering the Google domain (like google.fr)

You can also target the location and by choosing the right location targeting for your products, you save costs and selling the right products to right customers. For example, you should sell the winter wear during winter and to the countries that have season of winter. If you don’t aware of this and target to worldwide in your ads, you are wasting money and not target to the right audience.
* For regionally targeted ads, Adwords identifies your chosen region or city in the last line of ad text to distinguish them from country and territory targeted ads.

Adwords will determine to show your ad based on the following:

  • Google domain
  • Query entered (called query parsing)
  • Internet Protocal (IP) address
  • Language preference


4 Responses

  1. eunice says:

    hello moon!! i m going to start a blog about blogging too! learning now… good sharing!

  2. Moon says:

    hey eunice,
    great to hear that! we share more and do let me know when your blog is ready! You know I will sure drop by =)

  3. Alex says:

    Thanks for the info, I really appreciate It :)

  4. Moon says:

    Hi Alex, thanks for drop by. I’m learning and wish to learn from you all too. :)