Today I am going to share with you all my small findings about SEO-Search Engine Optimization. I believe most of the people know the definition of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the general idea of SEO is to get our website rank as high as possible in search results of a search engine.
I myself study about SEO from internet and I get lots of definition and information there. After some times, I decided to do some tests and tried to get my website rank top 20 of google search results. Below is the screenshots of my keywords “whenyouhost” and “affsphere article marketing”. Kindly take a look before I continue on how I did it.
“Whenyouhost” – My website lists in the first page of search results.
“Affsphere Article Marketing” – My website lists in the second page of search results.
*search results on 22.08.08 (pls click to enlarge)
Many people actually do not share how they get their website rank top 20 in google search results. Now maybe you wonder why I want to share this. Firstly, from my experience of self learning about SEO, I hardly understand the actual way of doing it with only general ideas and definitions. Secondly, I couldn’t find teaching materials about SEO via internet search results. Maybe I can only get it through courses or SEO companies. Thirdly, since I have found some ideas on how to do it, I hope my posting here could help others to get a clearer picture about SEO.
This is the steps I did for SEO keywords targeting: -
- Look for some relevant topics I want to write about. Here I choose one of my affiliate program “Whenyouhost” and one of the article marketing strategy “Affsphere Article Marketing”
- Check the search results of these two keywords in google. I found that the total search results for these two keywords are below 12,000. It means it’s easier for my website to rank in front page compare to those keywords with millions search results.
- Write articles based on these two keywords and use keywords in Title Tag, Meta Description Tag and Meta Keywords Tag.
I just used the above three steps and I am quite happy it actually gives me positive results. I hope you all can try to do it in this way and get the results you want. However, I would like to emphasize that the website ranking of search results might vary from time to time and other search engine factors are needed to take into consideration.
Related postings:-
- What is SEO?
- Effect of Link Exchange on Page Rank
- Is Webpage and Website Related to Feng Shui?
- Why I choose Whenyouhost Affiliate Web Hosting Program
- Affsphere Ampicillin buy cheap Article Marketing
Thanks for the well researched article. You have some good points here. I have a pet website of my own and am currently researching SEO strategies to help promote http://www.funepets.com and make it the #1 website for pets.
I’m sure you can do it. I just visited you website and that’s a really good website with lots of pet photos.. so adorable.. =)
thanks a lot for this informative posts i shall do all this right now :) hope i get better search results in google now :)
I just read it and it was really helpful! I especially like the second point — I think I’ll start looking for keywords that will make my blog more likely to come up :)
Hi Chethan,
Hope the little findings of mine work for you! =)
Hi Ian,
Thanks for visit me again! I just visited your website, cool! =)
Well done, that’s a great start with your SEO!
However, ranking well for longtail terms, especially when there are that few results in Google (anything under 10,000) is normally very easy to rank for. However, you’re on the right path so keep creating good content and you’ll start to rank for more useful phrases.
Great tactics Moon, and thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your achievements.
Just one question, though – how much traffic are you getting to these pages? Are you making an income from them?
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your comments and I’ll find more useful phrases and creating good content.. =)
Hi Roger,
For your info, I just share my findings and not making a single cents from this blog post. =)
Well done! It is simply written and not technical. Do keep it up.
Hi Annie,
Thanks for dropping by.. =) See you again yah!
very informative..thanks for sharing..
btw, pls. check this out you may want the idea.
happy monday!
thanx for giving us ur valuable suggestion regardind seo.but i want to know about off page optimization.I have question in my mind is that.if that which is on top page due to blog ,so i also post my blog on that site may i get high ranking?
Hi Zubaida,
Thanks for dropping by. :)
Sorry, I don’t really get what your question is. Do you mean you post a link at the site that have high rank, will you get high ranking too?
Generally, the whole idea is, no matter you post a link or guest post at the site that rank in first page of google, it doesn’t rank your site high. It may affect your page rank but not get your site rank for certain keywords.
Hope the above helps.
Thanks for the Tips regarding seo.
we have optimized our site for 12 keyword which comes in first page of google within top 5 result :)
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