After so many times I heard my friends told me about how some people do network marketing in Singapore, I finally decided to share with you a very real experience from a very close friend. I hereby invite her to write me her own experience on how a MLM company’s representatives approached her at the underpass of a MRT station.
Go ahead to read her story and if you think to laugh, don’t control but just go ahead to laugh! However, let me tell you first, this is not a joke but her real experience.
“That was a time that I have realized that underpass is no longer a passage full with come-and-go people but also a tiny stage for street performers and also promoters.
I was caught by people standing in the underpass for the whole afternoon. This is indeed a great experience that I can share in different aspects. Should I think of why I am targeted or should they given opportunity from us to listen to them.
One afternoon, after running here and there dealing with bank problems, finally I came to the last stop. As I walked quickly pass through the underpass, 2 people stops me in front. My rushing mind became blank in a second. I have forgotten how we start the conversation but I could remember that we began with usual greeting. This seems that they were trying to minimize our gaps. Until this point, I still do not have an idea on what are they trying to tell me.
However, I continue to stay there, they have something to promote. I was not only surrounded by 2 people but a group of their colleagues. It is a kind of I at least need to know what they are blocking me for before I ask for leave.
Upon my request to give them 5 minutes time, they quickly unload my heavy bag and ask me to remove sport shoe, followed by most important, fundamental and crucial step – stand on a weigh machine. This all things were done in a short time that I have no time to ignore. Actually it is not a big deal to get more people to know my weigh as this is the usual topic with my girl friends.
From their interpretations based on my weight, I was suggested to lose weight. I was told that they have high success rate for those taking their products in cut off weigh plan. The intention to lose weight is not strong enough from the beginning until the promoter strongly emphasize on my flabby arm by touching on it. Arch, this is indeed point out my scandal.
They showed me the so-called valuable package which is approximately 3 dollars per drink that can replace actual meal that worth for the same price. From the time they keep grounding how flabby I am into my little mind, lose weigh really pass through my mind. Unfortunately, that was the last week of the month which means that I not even have enough money for my fundamental consumption. Rejection has come out from my mouth and they turn into agitate and want me to think twice. Subsequently, I really followed their request to think deeper and decide not even give the 5 dollar deposit for the 75 dollar promotion price products. Finally, I left with the promise that I will phone them if I feel regretted after leaving me by not buying the product on spot.
It sounds like the whole process would exceed 5 minutes…”
So friends, what say you? :)
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