Finally! I launch my own membership site – Mompreneur Hub! Have been working for this program since last month and most of my time was concentrate on getting all the things done. Well, that’s why I didn’t update my blog for the whole month. So sorry for my readers here! ;)
This blog always in my mind and I always tell myself not to neglect it as there are visitors everyday! I feel bad when they drop by and find nothing new, no update! Therefore, no matter how I must sit down and think how I’m going to take care of my 3 blogs and 1 membership site carefully.
Today I launch my LEARN and EARN program – 17th May 2009. Why I choose this date to launch the program? Nothing special actually, I just go by the schedule. Since everything is in order, I just let it launches by this date. Let me share with you about the program name. Mompreneur Hub is the name of my program and why I use the name “Hub”? Haa.. That’s because when I was thinking what name should I use for the program, I walked passed a StarHub Shop and the word “Hub” come to my mind! Oh, I “steal” the word! Shhh… The word “Hub” just go coincide with what I want. I want to gather moms in business together, I want to make it as a learning center and I want to have a place where we can share things and learn things together. Also, I want us to earn together! So, I think the word “Hub” just so suitable. Without much hesitate, I buy the domain name of mompreneurhub.com and so lucky this domain name is available! :)
This program is actually from the many enquiries I received from friends, especially moms. They asked me how I start my internet business, how they get started and what things should they do first etc..This program is therefore aims to help moms gain knowledge in internet marketing and hence start the internet business.
To avoid repeat things that might bore you, I invite you to drop by my membership site and take a look:
Mompreneur Internet Marketing Hub
See you there! ;)