My mind always have questions about how to do social bookmarking. I don’t know how social bookmarking helps in internet marketing and don’t know how social bookmarking brings traffic to my website.
Questions in my mind
- The purpose of social bookmarking sites are for people to bookmark their favourites, what and how should I do to promote my own site?
- Can I bookmark all of my posts?
- What is the correct ways if I want to bookmark my posts?
- How many social bookmarking sites should I have? Can I register as many accounts as I like?
- How to allocate my time at social bookmarking sites?
- Will I become a social bookmarking spammer if I bookmark too much?
- etc
I then tried to find from Youtube how people do social bookmarking and I really watched it for several times because I hope I can get any ideas how to do social bookmarking.
After I watched the video, I know how to social bookmark my favourites but those questions in my mind still have not been solved.
Until recently, I finally know what is the best practices of social bookmarking.
Best Practice of Social Bookmarking
Always bookmark good stuff – Good stuff like useful information or good websites that other people are interested in.
Bookmark frequently – Don’t just pharmacy open the accounts and post few things and then nothing else. Try to bookmark several times a day.
Bookmark new stuff – When discover new stuff, try to be the first to bookmark and share with others.
Don’t focus on one topic only - Bookmark on several topics because normal people are multi interested.
Comments on other people’s bookmark – Don’t just bookmark your own stuff, do comments on other people’s bookmark. However, it takes time.
And there are something we must remember
- Too active in social bookmarking is dangerous! Don’t be a social bookmarking spammer.
- Dangerous if you have multiple accounts from same IP address.
- Always use pen name for social bookmarking sites.
Social bookmarking is a powerful tool but we must be very becareful and not to become a social bookmarking spammer. Social bookmarking spammer will get penalise by Social Bookmarking sites and also by Search Engine.
mostly i use and concentrate on most famous social bookmark site like digg, sumble, propeller and will bring lot of raffics
Nowadays I only use StumbleUpon. I installed the toolbar and stumble sites everyday and rate the sites that I stumble, giving them short comments. Usually I get more stumbles after that.
I am very lazy now to use any other social networking sites to promote my site. I rather spend time improving my content and start a new blog. =P
Congrats! I can see a good improvement in your Alexa ranking! ^^
Hi David,
Glad to see you here. Those social bookmarking sites are famous like you said. It really helps in bringing traffic to the websites but just be reminded that always becareful when social bookmark our own website or posts. They are like police watching what are we doing. =)
Haa.. Eunice, I really didn’t notice about the improvement of my Alexa ranking.
I can “see” your stumble upon is doing well, got your community and fans.. Continue with that and I’m sure you can get better result.
Have a second blog de? Must let me know when launch. =)
aiya my stumble so so only but what I like is I can stumble interesting site. My community is very small only. I am “tidying” up my new blog now. Will show u later. ^_- U can promote ur site at my blog too.
Hey you can install Alexa toolbar at your browser so that you can see your Alexa ranking and also other people’s Alexa ranking when you visit them.
but nowadays I have a nice improvement on my search engine result. I got most of the traffic from search engines. quite happy with that.
Good info here, but still how does social bookmarking can help improve traffic ? I still can;t catch it.
Is it like.. i read your post u read my post that kind of terminology ?
Yah, I have the Alexa toolbar but I seldom check on that. =)
Look forward to your new blog and I’m sure you will inform me when it’s all ready. =)
You have a good question here.
“I read your post, you read my post” is a way to increase your visibility and increase the traffic.
Actually you can bookmark your own website and blog post (not every post) to increase the traffic. But, have to do it in certain ratio and don’t overdo it. Social bookmarking sites are watching and once get caught will close the accounts.
Just another tip for you, always use your pen name at social bookmarking sites. You can have many social bookmarking sites, but every sites use different pen name.
@NIX74 When you bookmark a page, you are basically sharing your findings with your friend. For example in StumbleUpon, when you stumble a page, the page will appear in the recently stumbled section and will be shared not only with your friends but also the StumbleUpon community. That is also the reason why there is a spike in traffic when someone stumble your page.
you provide some good tips here. Many people set up an account because they heard that social bookmarking are good at driving traffic. After 1 or 2 failed attempt, people usually quit using it. The key is to participate consistenly and there will be results.
Wei Liang
@Wei Liang, Thank for the explanation on stumbleupon. Does it help if I’m involve in few more social book marker site like digg, technorati and delicious?
I read from some Blogs, they mention that is not too good to submit your article to too many social bookmarking site. Is this true ?
Hi Nix,
Please read my latest sharing on how powerful of social bookmarking and how my “one page only” website get indexed by google within one day. :)
Hi Moon,
i went throught the complete article and it has helped me to gain my knowledge abt social bookmarking. still i am not u8nderstanding how to start wit this can u please tell me all the steps in simple knowledge?
Best Regards,
Hi Leif,
The main purpose of social bookmarking is for people to book mark their favourite and get their bookmark websites store at the bookmarking site. If you were to use social bookmarking site to store your own favourite websites, choose a site you prefer and register an account. Take some time to learn about the site and you can start bookmark those sites you like for easier refer in the future.
Some sites allow you to upload your own website, for example Stumble Upon and Technorati. When you visit other people, they will visit you back and this will increase your website’s traffic.
Hope the above help. :)
Thanks a Lot For your Kind Help Moon..
Have a rocking year ahead and do take very good care of uaself and ua sweet daughter.. :)
Best Regards
I am having the same doubt. how to do social bookmarking. Now got a vague idea. Lets google it to find more.
Hi Moon, I have digged your content today.
Thanks Sanat.. You have a great blog there. :)
Thanks moon and eunice. My doubts clear for social bookmarking from your conversation. By actively participating We can drive much traffic and unique visitors to our websites and blogs.
I find these valuable information is really helpful for me. Can anyone make it clear to me how I can do Social Bookmarking? Can I get help from Clickasia2011?
Social Bookmarking can create more exposure and more back links in search engine. So doing this can your site in higher PR in Google.
Yes you are right Shuaib, social bookmarking helps in getting back links and it will help the website in long term.
Nice article. It helps me a lot in building my knowledge about creating awareness to my blog. Kindly critique my blog. Thanks!
The content on this publish is really one particular of the most beneficial material that I’ve ever occur across. I love your article, I’ll appear back to examine for new posts.
I want to know more about social bookmarking and how to do it ? Can you please provide some help articles or video links.
Thanks and regards
Sunu Mariam
thanks dude. Now i clered my doubts about book marking. your replies for the comments is also very good. thanks for your stuff
Hey, Thanks a lot, Hard to believe, but i too had the same thoughts about SBM. Great Post…
really i was finding what is the mean of social bookmarking, you give me a rough idea. however i want to know more about it. suggest if you got more info. thnx for great post…
hi! am totally new to this field but now am learning little by little about SEO and am very eager to learn in deep about all its stuffs… we hv totally a 181 sites of differnent category but the manpower is less here we are presently doing directory submission and links exch alone to improve our sites….. but our alexa ranking is not at all satisfied…. pls guide me to make a good alexa ranking for our sites…
Hi…everyone I just joined tne SEO field as well i am doing directory submission but now i am fed up of this because we are not getting the traffic on sites as we want.so i just want to know about social bookmarking and as well how to do social bookmarking and social bookmarking sites names.
lol, I was having the sam doubt, but was clear it from google..haha
Hello everyone..
I m new 2 SEO. Your comments will help a lot. Thanx guys.
Hello I am New to SEO,
Please tell us what makes a SBM successful.
please know to me how to do social bookmarking
If any body can guide me that how to social bookmarking… because i don’t know about it… I want do practice for this job… and want to learn … so please if any body can teach me through this massage then please try to make it… I will wait for help to me… my id for suggest me that how to do Social bookmarking…with any site after Register…at that domain..