“Profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, profits make you a fortune. It’s difficult to get rich on wages, but anybody can get rich on profits” – Jim Rohn
QUESTION: How much do you get paid if you stop working? If you’re like most people, your answer is probably “nothing”. For every rich person, however, the answer is very different. A rich person is simply someone who has learned how to make money when they’re not working, when they’re on vacation, and even when they’re sleeping.
The rich have named this type of income “Residual Income”.
Residual income is money that keeps getting paid to you whether you work or not. You earn money no matter what you’re doing, because the money earns itself. It doesn’t depend on you. So if you had a residual income of $2000 a month, you could STILL get paid $2000 every month even if all you did was sit in a rocking chair and read the newspaper each and every day.
Rich people have learned how to earn money 24/7, and you can too.
The only residual income most people will ever earn is the measly interest on their savings account with their bank. Imagine what it would be like if your residual income was large enough for you to quit your job, or even quit working altogether…
The moment you arrive at a regular job you start getting paid, and your boss decides how much. Then when you leave at the end of the day you stop making money. It’s almost impossible to get rich this way because every penny you earn is completely dependent on you being at work, and you only have a limited number of hours each day. If you don’t turn up to work one day, you stop earning money. Why most people choose this as their main method of earning money is because they don’t know about all the alternatives available!
The moment you wake up in the morning you start making money. In fact, you were earning overnight. You do some work during your day which adds to your residual income. You finish your work in the evening, but your income doesn’t stop growing. If you decide to take the day off, or go on vacation for a week, you don’t stop earning money. Can a boss or anyone else reach out and turn off your Residual Income? Not a chance!
You are in complete control, and nobody is allowed to say how much you are allowed to earn and when you can earn it.
You could be working on your Residual Income today! Every day it could grow a little bit more than the day before.
You can start earning as soon as you get started, and getting started is easier than you might think.
Don’t let ANYONE tell you how much you’re worth.