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No.1 Reason Fail in Network Marketing

Being in Network Marketing quite some times and I notice the biggest challenge and the number 1 reason to fail in Network Marketing is on yourself. It’s YOU!

I’m sure all of us get very excited when joining a new Network Marketing opportunity. However, the excitement won’t last long. As I can see, most of the people just quit during their third month. Reason? Many, for example:

1) I’m too busy with my work, I don’t have time to work on this
2) I cannot get people to join me
3) The monthly subscription is too difficult for me, etc etc

I think “I cannot get people to join me” is the most crucial point, IF you can get people to join you easily within first or second month, I believe you won’t quit so soon. However, without effort putting in or if you are just too new in this industry, how could you expect to have immediate results?

Now, for newbie in Network Marketing, there are 3 types of person you would listen to:

1) People who are not in this industry
2) People who was in this industry but failed
3) Successful people in this industry

Most of the people would choose to listen to category 1 and 2. I’m not sure why but this is the fact. People who are not in this industry how could they give you true and fair view? And the purpose you join Network Marketing is to Success, don’t you? Then why to choose and listen to people who are not success themselves?

I bet you join a particular Network Marketing opportunity because you see some successful people there. If this is the case, I simply couldn’t understand why not choose to listen and get advice from those successful people? My facebook friend just share with me that he would choose to listen to both good and bad because we have 2 ears. Well, I would rather choose to follow advice of  successful people using my 2 ears so that I can success faster.

Again, I think this is about the MINDSET.

For my days in Network Marketing, I make myself contact my upline almost everyday so that I can do the correct way and duplicate the success. Network marketing is about duplication. Nothing so difficult, you just need to do what your success upline doing. So, my advice is, if you still want to success in this industry, change your MINDSET, join a good team full with positive energy and momentum.

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2 Responses

  1. Valerie says:

    Hey Moon! What you said it’s really so true! the ‘YOU’ factor is the MOST important factor of out the 6 factors of success. Even though there is a very good opportunity out there, with good product, company, team, training support and trend, minus the ‘YOU’ part and there goes the success.

    I’m really glad to have successful people like you that I can turn to :) that’s what a team is right? heehee :)

  2. Moon says:

    Valerie, this is actually WHY in every business there are people who are so successful and there are also people who don’t success in every business they TRY.