This is my first time attending Elite Networkers Conference (ENC) in Singapore. Before attended the event, I know I could definitely learn something from the 2 days event, but I never imagine the information I get from the event is so powerful and the speakers of that days are so “heavy weight”. They are really the veteran in the Network Marketing industry.
I actually reached the venue quite early the first day of the event, and I “think” I saw Todd Falcone. I must tell you that I don’t have idea who are the speakers for the 2 days event. After confirmed with Jeremy, one of the event organizer, HE IS TODD FALCONE! Wow.. If you are not in network marketing industry, for your info, he is one of the power speaker in No Excuses Summit II in Las Vegas this year and he has more than 20 years experience in this industry. And yes, he is one of my favourite mentor who always gives lots of value to the others.
That’s me and Todd Falcone :)
The second day when I see Todd again, I quickly grab the chance to do a short video interview with him. That’s his tips of success in network marketing industry.
Now, let me share with you some of our programs during the 2 days events:
A) Josephine Gross (The Co-founder of Networking Times) – The Rising Economic Power of Women
Josephine has a great sharing on the very first day first session and the information about Why Network Marketing is booming in Asia is rather encouraging especially she mentioned that this is a business that empower women.
Let’s listen to Josephine message and sharing.
B) Benjamin B.C.Tan – Leadership Ethical Initiatives In The Marketplace
Benjamin shares with us about Corporate Leadership, Leadership Responsibility, The Code and Direct Sellers & Consumers. He said that, Multi-Level Marketing (Excluded Schemes and Arrangements) Order 2001 Amendments made and take effect on 1st January 2002. It literally opens the door for all legitimate MLM companies to operate in Singapore with confidence.
The Singapore Direct Selling Industry offers flexi-time, work life balance, to those who needs supplement household income.
2002 – 255,000 salespeople
2010 – 446,841 salespeople
This is really a good piece of information for us in Singapore.
C) “Big Al” Tom Schreiter – Creating A Vision With Prospect & Distributors
One very important message from Tom is “People don’t make decision based on information!”
This is really true where we always see networkers pitching their products or business opportunity just based on the information. And after giving the information, people ask “So what?” Therefore, don’t just give information, but give VISION.
D) Special Guest Hob Khadka from Nepal sharing about his journey in Network Marketing
Hob Khadka shares with us that the event organized by Metica has changed his life and he is now a very successful businessman.
E) Joel Putland – Situational Leadership
Leadership is always a topic that I wanted to learn more. The Situational Leadership by Joel Putland is really a insightful session for me. So, what is Situational Leadership? That’s “Different Strokes for Different Folks”.
Situational Formula = 3 skills
- Diagnose the needs of your people
- Learn to use a variety of leadership style flexibly
- Learn how to come to agreements with them about what kind of leadership style they need from you
F) Dr Masa Cemazar – Networking Etiquette of True Professionals
Interested to find out the 3 biggest mistakes network marketers make? I bet you are if you are a networker like myself. :)
Mistake 1 – Focusing on your business rather than your prospect
Mistake 2 – Have a convincing rather than a sorting mindset
Mistake 3 – Closing a sale not educating
So, what are the ways to become a true professional?
1. Be consistent & think long term
2. Become a great teacher
3. Create great friendships
4. Have an “abundance mindset”
5. Be a great diagnostician
6. Give value in abundance
7. Continue to work on yourself
G) Donna Imson – The “W” Factor
I would say the story of Donna Imson is the most inspiring for me. Maybe I’m a mother too. She is a single mom of 3 and network marketing really changes her life and transform her to a great person. I particularly like her sharing of “W” factors which are:
- Wonderful Wonder Women
- Welcoming Weaknesses
- Working With Each Other
And guess what, Donna said, The 21st Century is the Women Century! My 3 W is Wow! Wow! Wow! :D
H) Francis & Marisa Taye – Harmonizing Marriage With The Business
Lots of people are working alone in network marketing and how nice if working together with the spouse in the same business? However, there are really lots of challenges while working together. Francis and Marisa share with us how they work together and one word: TRUST
I) Onyx Coale – The More You Learn, The More You Earn
This is really the title I like most – The more you learn, the more you earn! From Onyx sharing, I notice that it is all about self development and we really have to improve ourselves from time to time. That not only makes us a greater person but during the learning process, we earn too!
J) Sheri Din – Responsibilities Of Our Profession
The wonderful 3 P shared by Sheri Din:
- Patience
- Persistence
- Perseverance
I strongly agree the 3 Points above and I love the quote shared by Sherin - “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that.., but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain
K) Todd Falcone – Leading By Example
Leadership, how to become a good leader is really challenging. But Todd has put into very simple sentence and it immediately goes into my mind.
Leading by example is - Inspiration through Action!
The 9 core strategies for Effective Leadership in Network Marketing
Core Strategy #1 – Focus on ONE Thing
Core Strategy #2 – Set the pace
Core Strategy #3 – Let them see it
Core Strategy #4 – Do as you say
Core Strategy #5 – Sharpen your saw
Core Strategy #6 – Be accountable
Core Strategy #7 – Live by Golden Rule
Core Strategy #8 – Be willing to do whatever it takes
Core Strategy #9 – Document it before you duplicate it
Overall this is really a wonderful event and I appreciate the effort of Jeremy & Jeremy from Metica to organize such wonderful and awesome network marketing event for networkers. We really need such event to get more momentum and learn more knowledge from successful leaders. The most importantly, to reach out more about the professionalism of our industry.
One of the Jeremy from Metica. Thanks Jeremy!
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